29th Harmonia Sacra Singing on New Year's Day
Chapel of the Word, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
All selections from The Harmonia Sacra, 26th ed., 2008.
Matthew Lind called the twenty-ninth annual singing to order with the song on page
53, Old Hundred.
Will Fitzgerald said an opening prayer.
227b, Hail To The Brightness -
James Nelson Gingerich
149, Bethlehem -
Michael Miller
227t, Star In The East - Bess Fitzgerald
232t, New Year -
Will Fitzgerald
232b, Voice Of Warning -
Ginny Landgraf
233, Holy Rest - Brian Newell
121b, Suffield -
Christine Guth
84t, Dublin -
Jim Helke
220, Eden Of Love -
Brandon Buxton
294, Chorus-Anthem -
Samuel Sommers
228t, Come Ye Disconsolate - Gerald Shoultz
264, Gracious Reward -
Kate Lind
85b, Crowle -
Christine Guth
96, Geneva - Bess Fitzgerald
97, Antioch - Brian Newell
214t, Petersfield -
Ginny Landgraf
202t, New Jerusalem - Holly Austin.
Matthew Lind brought the class together with
196t, Protection.
James Nelson Gingerich spoke briefly about the history of The Harmonia
Sacra and plans to print additional copies of the 26th edition. James led
353, I Have Set Watchmen....
Other leaders:
194b, Unitia -
Jan May
347, Amboy -
Will Fitzgerald
270, Blessed Be the Lord God... -
Michael Miller
161t, Rock Of Ages -
Jim Helke
378b, Love at Home -
Samuel Sommers
250, Westford - Gerald Shoultz
234t, Sweet Harmony -
Brandon Buxton
90t, St. Martin's -
Jan May
301, Wilton -
Ginny Landgraf
216b, Swanton - Holly Austin.
The singing resumed with Matthew Lind leading
348, Bealoth.
Other leaders:
221, Daughter Of Zion - Bess Fitzgerald
317, Detroit - Brian Newell
166t, Resurrection -
Will Fitzgerald (requested by Myrna Burkholder)
218t, Harwell -
Samuel Sommers
188b, Carmarthen -
Christine Guth
312t, The Three Mountains -
Michael Miller
189, Confidence - Gerald Shoultz
173b, Judgment -
Jim Helke
133t, Albion - Holly Austin
349, Homeward Bound -
Will Fitzgerald
392t, Stafford -
Jan May
282b, The Royal Proclamation -
Brandon Buxton
170, Harmonia -
Ginny Landgraf
326, O Love The Lord -
Michael Miller.
Matthew Lind called the class to order with the song on page
261, Manoah.
77b, Hiding Place -
James Nelson Gingerich
310b, Benevento -
Christine Guth
351, Hosanna -
James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Jim Helke)
269, Loud Hallelujah -
Samuel Sommers
260, Parting Hymn - Karen Andrews and
Matthew Lind
203, Utica -
Jan May
290, Dedication Anthem - Dirk Vardaman
341, St. Paul's - Holly Austin
204, Amsterdam - Gerald Shoultz
158b, Bozrah -
Kate Lind
79b, Vestal -
Will Fitzgerald (requested by Autumn Rhodes)
228b, Sing To Me Of Heaven -
Brandon Buxton.
Matthew Lind asked for announcements of upcoming singings and led
354, Evening Hymn, as the closing song.
Michael Miller said grace for the following meal.
Minutes: Samuel Sommers