The 12th Annual Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing

Morris' Outdoor Pavilion, Warren Wilson College
Swannanoa, Buncombe County, North Carolina

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The class gathered in Morris Pavilion at Warren Wilson College for the 12th annual singing following Old Time Music and Dance weeks of the Swannanoa Gathering. Sarah Kehrberg welcomed everyone and led 73b. Ron Pen offered opening prayer.

Leaders, from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition: Ron Pen 146; Chris Wilhelm 376; Jonathan Wood 65; Kevin Kehrberg 112; Mary Baumeister and Tristan Parker 375; Michael Spencer 354t; Leslie Booher 319; Libby Barker 48b; Matt Drumheller 448t; Andy Morse 31t; Diane Eskenasy 155, IMO Polly Eskenasy McGilvra; Eli Snyder 171; Patty Judson 354b; Madeline Wadley 178; Esther Morgan-Ellis 38b; Andy Morse 40, with guest, dedicated to Jack Smith; Tatiana Hargraves 58; Jane Cannon 328.


The class then led from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.
Sarah Kehrberg brought the class back with 184.
Leaders: Jonathan Wood 199; Martha Sullivan 312; Chris Wilhelm 402b; Michael Spencer 397b; Kevin Kehrberg 248; Leslie Booher 180, IMO Mary Ellen Schrock; Mary Baumeister and Tristan Parker 117; Ron Pen 87; Eli Snyder 279; Libby Barker 303; Diane Eskenasy 51; Patty Judson 493b; Tatiana Hargraves 86b; Jane Cannon 455b.

Ron Pen returned thanks for the noon meal.


The class then chose lessons from The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint.
The class reassembled with Sarah Kehrberg leading 13t.
Leaders: Ron Pen 322. Ron thanked all who had helped with dinner on the grounds and the College for the use of Morris Pavilion. Chris Wilhelm 173b; Matt Drumheller 276b; Kevin Kehrberg 56; Michael Spencer 308; Leslie Booher 276t; Andy Morse 72t; Eli Snyder 105; Jonathan Wood 292; Mary Baumeister 91; Jane Cannon 76.

Business Meeting: In a brief business meeting Sarah Kehrberg was reelected Chairman and Ron Pen Vice-Chairman. Eli Snyder was elected secretary.


The final session was leader's choice. Tunes are tagged as follows: from The Christian Harmony (2010), tagged with 'CH10'; from The Sacred Harp (1991), with 'SH'; and from The Southern Harmony (1854); with 'SoH'.

Leaders: Jane Cannon 56b (SH); Tatiana Hargraves 455 (SH); Esther Morgan-Ellis 74t (SH); Matt Drumheller 70b (SH); Madeline Wadley 203 (SH); Jonathan Wood 34b (SH); Libby Barker 350 (SH); Andy Morse 189 (CH10); Leslie Booher 543 (CH10); Eli Snyder 155 (CH10); Kevin Kehrberg 168b (CH10); Ron Pen 165 (CH10); Mary Baumeister 41 (SoH); Sarah Kehrberg 49 (SoH); Michael Spencer 254 (SoH).

Following announcements, Sarah Kehrberg offered closing prayer and the officers led the class in 267 (SH).

Chairman—Sarah Kehrberg; Vice Chairman—Ron Pen; Secretary—Eli Snyder.

2018 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
July 2018

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