The 10th Annual Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing

Morris' Outdoor Pavilion, Warren Wilson College
Swannanoa, Buncombe County, North Carolina

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing was held in Morris Pavilion, Warren Wilson College on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in July in conjunction with Old Time Music and Dance Week. Singers were greeted by Jane Cannon who led 47t. Ron Pen led in prayer.

The first session was from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition:
Leaders: Ron Pen 146; Chris Wilhelm 70t; David Wilson 276; Leslie Booher 274b; Mary Baumeister 506; Sarah Kehrberg 472; Robert Kelley 139; Claudia Dean 489; Calum Woods 36b; Diane Eskenasy 222; Chris Wolf 29t; Abigail Beavin 278b; John Plunkett 278t, in memory of Toney Smith; Richard Ivey 176b; Kelsey Ivey 313t; Dorothy Lane 127.


The following lessons were from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition:
Leaders: Jane Cannon 64; Ron Pen 165; Chris Wilhelm 54; David Wilson 109; Leslie Booher 419t; Mary Baumeister 398b; Sarah Kehrberg 372; Robert Kelley 389; Claudia Dean 160; Chris Berg 282; Calum Woods 135; Diane Eskenasy 89; Chris Wolf 16; Kelsey Ivey 151; John Plunkett 129; Abigail Beavin 354; Richard Ivey 131; Dorothy Lane 327. Ron Pen returned thanks for the noon meal.


Singers then chose lessons from The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint:
Leaders: Jane Cannon 76; Ron Pen thanked those who provided food for dinner on the grounds, then led 322; Chris Wilhelm 145; Kyle Johnston 139; Kevin Kehrberg 83; Tina Becker 46; Mary Baumeister 109, for Dave Farmer; Sarah Kehrberg 16, for Trevor Stewart; Robert Kelley 4b; Claudia Dean 318; Calum Woods 79; Chris Wolf 49; John Plunkett 30; Abigail Beavin 125.


The last session was "leader's choice". Tunes are tagged as follows: from The Christian Harmony (2010), tagged with 'CH10'; from The Sacred Harp (1991), with 'SH'; and from The Southern Harmony (1854)k with 'SoH'.
Leaders: Jane Cannon 121 (SH); Patty Judson and Jane Cannon 78 (SH); Ron Pen 524 (SH); Chris Wilhelm 547 (SH); Gaea Singer 74b (SH); Mary Baumeister 565 (SH); John Plunkett 462t (CH10); Calum Woods 61t (CH10); Chris Berg 299 (CH10); Leslie Booher 361 (SH); Chris Wolf 203 (SH); Abigail Beavin 318 (SH); Kevin Kehrberg 168b (CH10); Kyle Johnston 99 (SH); Robert Kelley 121 (SoH); Sarah Kehrberg 86 (SH); David Wilson 67b (CH10); Gaea Singer 108b (SH); Dorothy Lane and Jane Cannon 13 (CH10); Kyle Johnston 432b (CH10).

Jane Cannon, Chairman of the Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing for the first 9 annual singings thanked the class for their support and stated that Sarah Kehrberg would become Chairman beginning with the 2017 singing. The officers led 267 (SH), as the final lession, and Ron Pen closed in prayer.

Chairman—Jane Cannon; Vice Chairman—Ron Pen; Secretary—Chris Wilhelm.

2016 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
July 2016

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