Alabama State Christian Harmony Singing Convention

Union Missionary Baptist Church
Jefferson County, Alabama

Saturday, September 24, 2016 and Sunday, September 25, 2016

All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

Saturday, September 24 The Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention was held at Union Missionary Baptist Church on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in September. The class was called to order by Danny Creel leading 31t, Home.
David Daniel offered the opening prayer.

1, Weary Rest - Danny Creel
110, Volunteers - Danny Creel
166, What Can I Do? - Ken Tate
462t, Lotha - Ken Tate
121t, Prosperity - Ken Tate
120, Home in the Sky - Emily Brown
131, Will You Meet Me? - Emily Brown
167b, Come Along - Emily Brown
189, One by One - SuNell Ellis
82b, Gospel Waves - SuNell Ellis
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old - David Daniel
253, Is It Far? - David Daniel
143, Farther Along - David Daniel
85, Mercy Seat - Robert Walker
171, Sessions - Robert Walker
60, What Did He Do? - Joan Aldridge
19, The Day of Days - Joan Aldridge
178, That Beautiful Land - Billy Thompson.
179, Traveling On - Billy Thompson.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve:
Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Ken Tate; Secretary/Treasurer—Emily Brown; Arranging Officer—Ann Jett.


Danny Creel led 63t, Condescension to bring the class together.
109, Not Made with Hands - Brenda Chafin
372, I Won't Turn Back - Brenda Chafin
256t, Pleading Savior - Henry Johnson
281t, Am I Born to Die? - Henry Johnson
281b, Palmetto - Henry Johnson
307, True Happiness - Yancey Jett
287, Indian Convert - Yancey Jett
93, Something New - Yancey Jett
16, The Finest Flower - Velton Chafin
2, O Wondrous Love - Velton Chafin
332, Babylonian Captivity - Velton Chafin
61t, North Carolina - Daniel Bearden
431, Dungeness - Daniel Bearden
430, Let Me Rise - Daniel Bearden
322, Among that Band - Cindy Tanner
180, The Sinless Summerland - Cindy Tanner
22b, Sinner Come - John Plunkett.
67t, Peterboro - John Plunkett.
300, Desire - John Plunkett.


The afternoon session began with Danny Creel leading 170, On My Way.
203, Cumberland - Cassie Allen
235, Faithful Soldier - Cassie Allen
54, My Trust - Cassie Allen
264, Harwell - Wanda Capps
91, There is a Fountain - Wanda Capps
149, A Good Time Coming - Ann Jett
59b, Dove of Peace - Ann Jett
96, Mighty Love - Ann Jett
172, The Grand Highway - Dylan Feezell
168b, Sunrise - Dylan Feezell
165, Babylon is Fallen - Dylan Feezell
546b, Oak Grove - John Plunkett
51, Lonsdale - Joan Aldridge
355, Homeward Bound - Billy Thompson
274, Mother Tell Me of the Angels - Henry Johnson
248, Twilight is Falling - David Daniel
49, Forever with the Lord - Robert Walker
117, Angel Band - Emily Brown (by request)
50, Cranbrook - Daniel Bearden
133, Juniata - Ken Tate
43, The Heavenly Throng - Cindy Tanner
258, Thorny Desert - Cindy Tanner
64, Youthful Blessings - Emily Brown
278, God Holds the Future - John Plunkett (for Velton Chafin)
135, Raymond - Dylan Feezell.

Danny Creel led 359, Wondrous Love (by request) as the closing song, and then dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, September 25

The Sunday session of the Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention was called to order by Danny Creel leading 46t, The Hill of Zion.
Henry Johnson offered the opening prayer.

308, The Happy Time - Danny Creel
534, Angels Singing - Ken Tate
490, Creation (Second) - Ken Tate
339, Samanthra - Ken Tate
338b, Davis - Emily Brown
326, Royal Proclamation - Emily Brown
264, Harwell - Emily Brown
250, ?No such tune? - Jeff James
170, On My Way - Jeff James
215, In That Morning - Jeff James
258, Thorny Desert - Judy Caudle
322, Among that Band - Judy Caudle
176, Heavenly Treasures - Judy Caudle
493b, Day-Star - Nancy Hogan
468b, Laurell - Nancy Hogan
166, What Can I Do? - Nancy Hogan
76b, Night - Henry Johnson.
105t, Tender Care - Henry Johnson.
105b, Hamburg - Henry Johnson.


Danny Creel led 123, Rapturous Scene to bring the class together.
1, Weary Rest - Henry Guthery
4, Copeland - Henry Guthery
186, Lord Remember Me - Henry Guthery
91, There is a Fountain - Emma Calvert
85, Mercy Seat - Emma Calvert
142, The Solid Rock - Wanda Capps
110, Volunteers - Wanda Capps
117, Angel Band - Ainslie Allen
97, The Guiding Star - Cindy Tanner
342, Blest Morn - Cindy Tanner
316, This Heavy Load - Cindy Tanner
310t, Our Journey Home - Michael Spencer
404b, Arion - Michael Spencer
225t, Kenan - Michael Spencer
354, Summer - Yancey Jett
238, Child's Wish - Yancey Jett
352, My Home on High - Yancey Jett and Emily Brown
121t, Prosperity - Bill Hogan
356, Morning Song - Bill Hogan
133, Juniata - Bill Hogan
131, Will You Meet Me? - Joan Aldridge.


The class was called back to order by Danny Creel leading 230b, Amboy.
364, Redemption (Second) - Cassie Allen
74, God's Helping Hand - Cassie Allen
361, Solemn Thought - Cassie Allen
16, The Finest Flower - Velton Chafin
2, O Wondrous Love - Velton Chafin
14, I'll Serve My Lord - Velton Chafin
234, The Singing Christian - Ann Jett
284, Don't Grieve Your Mother - Ann Jett
172, The Grand Highway - Brenda Chafin
216b, Social Band - Brenda Chafin
140, Edom - Jeff James
249, Green Fields - Jeff James
214, Hosanna - Jeff James
397b, Bedan - Michael Spencer
68, Bright Mansions - Yancey Jett
64, Youthful Blessings - Cindy Tanner
216, ?No such tune? - Henry Johnson
495, The Sailor's Home - Judy Caudle
362, Shining Light - Nancy Hogan
57, Salvation's Rock - Emily Brown
155, Solemn Call - Bill Hogan
6, Babel's Streams - Bill Hogan
38, God Is Our Refuge - Cassie Allen
143, Farther Along - Danny Creel (for Johnnie Chafin).

A business session was held, and the class discussed ideas about promoting the convention in 2017. The convention will be held at Union Missionary Baptist Church, Jefferson County, Warrior-Jasper Road, Alabama. The business meeting was closed.

Danny Creel led 23b, Evening Hymn as the closing song.
Ken Tate offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Ken Tate; Secretary—Emily Brown.