Creel Memorial Christian Harmony Singing
Old County Line Church
Corner, Jefferson County, Alabama
Sunday, January 18, 2015
All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.
The annual Christian Harmony singing was held at Old County Line
Church on the third Sunday in January. The class was called to order
by Yancey Jett leading
338t, How Firm a Foundation.
31t, Home.
The opening prayer was offered by Danny Creel.
281b, Palmetto -
Yancey Jett
307, True Happiness -
Cassie Allen (in memory of Lucille Tolbert)
59b, Dove of Peace (for Ann Jett)
264, Harwell -
Wanda Capps
241, Closer Walk with God - Dennis George
51, Lonsdale - Dennis George
117, Angel Band -
Sarah Beasley
49, Forever with the Lord -
Tim Cook
507b, Sicily -
Tim Cook
131, Will You Meet Me? -
Bea Aaron
189, One by One -
Bea Aaron
546b, Oak Grove -
Nancy Hogan
362, Shining Light -
Nancy Hogan
339, Samanthra - Nikos Pappas
266, Chrystler's Field - Nikos Pappas
43, The Heavenly Throng -
Stanley Smith.
54, My Trust -
Stanley Smith.
The class was brought back together by Yancey Jett leading
258, Thorny Desert.
64, Youthful Blessings -
Cindy Tanner
342, Blest Morn -
Cindy Tanner
322, Among that Band -
Tim Taylor
355, Homeward Bound -
Tim Taylor
168b, Sunrise -
Jeff James
170, On My Way -
Jeff James
23b, Evening Hymn -
Ainslie Allen
93, Something New -
Ainslie Allen
323, Holy Manna -
Emma Calvert
117, Angel Band -
Emma Calvert
346, Star in the East - Janelle Davis
175, O How I Love Jesus - Janelle Davis
164b, The Pilgrim's Song -
Tom George
308, The Happy Time -
Tom George
255, Watchman (Second) -
Samuel Sommers
230b, Amboy -
Samuel Sommers
341, The Lone Pilgrim -
Darrell Swarens
107, Resignation (First) -
Darrell Swarens
354, Summer - Adam Brasich
275, Missionary's Farewell - Adam Brasich
133, Juniata -
Bill Hogan
138, Rest in the Kingdom -
Bill Hogan
125t, Endless Joy -
Henry Johnson
281t, Am I Born to Die? -
Henry Johnson
462t, Lotha -
Ken Tate
432b, Fish Pond -
Ken Tate
60, What Did He Do? -
Eddie Mash.
61t, North Carolina -
Eddie Mash.
Bill Hogan offered prayer before the noon meal.
The afternoon session was called to order by Cassie Allen leading
80, The Blind Girl.
459t, All-Saints -
Mako Cook
214, Hosanna -
Mako Cook
135, Raymond - Loretta Whitman
134, Liberty - Loretta Whitman
166, What Can I Do? -
Danny Creel
186, Lord Remember Me -
Danny Creel
50, Cranbrook -
Mary Amelia Taylor
372, I Won't Turn Back -
Mary Amelia Taylor
165, Babylon is Fallen -
Eddie Pierce
82b, Gospel Waves -
Eddie Pierce
77, How Beautiful Heaven Must Be - Seth Holloway
369, Easter Anthem - Seth Holloway
149, A Good Time Coming -
Henry Guthery
81t, Maitland -
Henry Guthery
47, Panting for Heaven - Steve Aaron and
Bea Aaron
78b, New Britain - Steve Aaron and
Bea Aaron
281b, Palmetto -
Velton Chafin
332, Babylonian Captivity -
Velton Chafin
110, Volunteers - Julianna Jett
109, Not Made with Hands -
SuNell Ellis
303, The Unclouded Day -
SuNell Ellis
121t, Prosperity -
Robert DuPree
86t, Ortonville -
Robert DuPree
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Cindy Tanner (for Ann Jett)
176, Heavenly Treasures -
Cassie Allen (by request of Samuel Sommers)
167b, Come Along (for Elsie Moon and Ruth Wyers)
238, Child's Wish -
Emily Brown (in memory of Harrison Creel)
287, Indian Convert -
Yancey Jett.
Yancey Jett and Cassie Allen led
40t, Mamie as the closing song.
Danny Creel offered the closing prayer,
and the class was dismissed.
Co-chairpersons—Yancey Jett and Cassie Allen; Secretary—Wanda Capps.