Alabama State Christian Harmony Singing Convention

Union Missionary Baptist Church
Jefferson County, Alabama

Saturday, September 26, 2015 and Sunday, September 27, 2015

All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

Saturday, September 26

The Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention was held at Union Missionary Baptist Church, Jefferson County, Alabama, on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in September. Danny Creel called the class to order leading 31t, Home.
He offered the morning prayer, and then led 1, Weary Rest.

168b, Sunrise - Ken Tate
133, Juniata - Ken Tate
120, Home in the Sky - Emily Brown
14, I'll Serve My Lord - Emily Brown
131, Will You Meet Me? - Bea Aaron
149, A Good Time Coming - Bea Aaron
145b, Fiducia - Chris Brown
459, ?No such tune? - Chris Brown
253, Is It Far? - Eugene Forbes
117, Angel Band - Eugene Forbes
52, Newburg - John Hollingsworth
136, Sherburne - John Hollingsworth
129, Coronation - Brenda Dunlap
123, Rapturous Scene - Brenda Dunlap
103, Derrick - Rick Foreman
421b, Caddo - Rick Foreman
51, Lonsdale - Wanda Capps
170, On My Way - Wanda Capps
256t, Pleading Savior - Brenda Dunlap
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old - Brenda Dunlap
135, Raymond - Nicholas Thompson
311, Elysian - Nicholas Thompson
268, Come Ye to the Waters - Cheryl Foreman.
75b, ?No such tune? - Cheryl Foreman.


Ken Tate called the class back together by leading 50, Cranbrook.
130t, Sacred Love - Henry Johnson
281t, Am I Born to Die? - Henry Johnson
355, Homeward Bound - Billy Thompson
281b, Palmetto - Billy Thompson
111b, Judkins - Judy Whiting
546, ?No such tune? - Judy Whiting
228, Pass Me Not - Sonny Erwin.
214, Hosanna - Sonny Erwin.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed: Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Ken Tate; Secretary/Finance—Emily Brown; Arranging Officer—Ann Jett; Locating Committee—Mike Richards and Ken Tate. The business session was closed.

172, The Grand Highway - Nathan Stewart
142, The Solid Rock - Nathan Stewart
104, Everlasting Song - Samuel Sommers
54, My Trust - Samuel Sommers
67b, Dundee - Richard Mauldin
67t, Peterboro - Richard Mauldin
525, Goodly Land - John Plunkett
509t, Break of Day - John Plunkett
264, Harwell - Judy Caudle
322, Among that Band - Judy Caudle
372, I Won't Turn Back - Bill Hogan
258, Thorny Desert - Bill Hogan
43, The Heavenly Throng - Cindy Tanner
85, Mercy Seat - Cindy Tanner
279, Lecil - Velton Chafin.


Ken Tate led 432b, Fish Pond to begin the afternoon session.
189, One by One - Tammy Powell
64, Youthful Blessings - Tammy Powell
82, ?No such tune? - SuNell Ellis
90, Brightest Days - SuNell Ellis
56b, Sing to Me of Heaven - Sarah Beasley and Bill Hogan
59b, Dove of Peace - Sarah Beasley and Bill Hogan
91, There is a Fountain - Emma Calvert
142, The Solid Rock - Emma Calvert
61t, North Carolina - Mike Richards
316, This Heavy Load - Mike Richards
96, Mighty Love - Ann Jett
338, ?No such tune? - Ann Jett
120, Home in the Sky - Sonny Erwin (by request)
347, Portuguese Hymn - John Hollingsworth
58b, Primrose - Judy Whiting
176, Heavenly Treasures - Samuel Sommers
26b, Ninety-Third - Rick Foreman
256b, Sacred Rest - Brenda Dunlap
143, Farther Along - Chris Brown
255, Watchman (Second) - Janie Short
339, Samanthra - Cheryl Foreman
76b, Night - Judy Caudle
287, Indian Convert - Nicholas Thompson
493, ?No such tune? - Bill Hogan
515, Olive Shade - John Plunkett
541, Resignation (Second) - Nathan Stewart
248, Twilight is Falling - Tammy Powell
277, Sweet Affliction - Billy Thompson
57, Salvation's Rock - Velton Chafin
109, Not Made with Hands - Eugene Forbes
63t, Condescension - Richard Mauldin (in memory of Robert DuPree)
424, Nightingale - Mike Richards.

Announcements were made. Danny Creel led 60, What Did He Do? as the closing song.
Samuel Sommers offered the closing prayer.

Sunday, September 27

The Sunday session of the Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention was called to order by Danny Creel leading 167b, Come Along.
He offered the opening prayer.

166, What Can I Do? - Danny Creel
462t, Lotha - Ken Tate
282, Friendship - Ken Tate
121t, Prosperity - Ken Tate
171, Sessions - Emily Brown
180, The Sinless Summerland - Emily Brown
186, Lord Remember Me - Emily Brown
432b, Fish Pond - Katlin Bailey
268, Come Ye to the Waters - Katlin Bailey
22t, Laban - Katlin Bailey
307, True Happiness - Eugene Forbes
326, Royal Proclamation - Eugene Forbes
322, Among that Band - Tammy Powell
400t, Christian Love - Tammy Powell
19, The Day of Days - Tammy Powell
50, Cranbrook - Jeff James
51, Lonsdale - Jeff James
168b, Sunrise - Jeff James
291, Warrenton - Darlene Reynolds (in memory of Loretta Rigdon)
355, Homeward Bound - Darlene Reynolds (in memory of Loretta Rigdon)
204t, What a Day - Darlene Reynolds (in memory of Loretta Rigdon)
205, The Watchman's Call - Mike Richards
276, Worlds Beyond the Sky - Mike Richards
419t, Rockingham (First) - Mike Richards
261t, Come Thou Fount - Cheryl Foreman.
498, Hendon - Cheryl Foreman.
41b, Ardor - Cheryl Foreman.


Danny Creel led 354, Summer to bring the class back together.
138, Rest in the Kingdom - Sam Wright
292, Grief of Love - Sam Wright
361, Solemn Thought - Sam Wright
303, The Unclouded Day - Janie Short
49, Forever with the Lord - Janie Short
385, Sweet Heaven - Janie Short
264, Harwell - Wanda Capps
258, Thorny Desert - Wanda Capps
172, The Grand Highway - Wanda Capps
346, Star in the East - Brenda Dunlap.
130b, Passing Away - Brenda Dunlap.
86b, Hicks' Farewell - Brenda Dunlap.


Danny Creel began the afternoon session by leading 308, The Happy Time.
546b, Oak Grove - Rick Foreman
490, Creation (Second) - Rick Foreman
109, Not Made with Hands - Rick Foreman
9, Cords of Love - Mary Amelia Taylor
107, Resignation (First) - Mary Amelia Taylor
336t, Sweet Harmony - Mary Amelia Taylor
250, ?No such tune? - Sonny Erwin
81t, Maitland - Sonny Erwin
67b, Dundee - Sonny Erwin
85, Mercy Seat - Emma Calvert and Amelia Jett
157b, ?No such tune? - Emma Calvert and Amelia Jett
214, Hosanna - Emma Calvert and Amelia Jett
234, The Singing Christian - Cindy Tanner
342, Blest Morn - Cindy Tanner
14, I'll Serve My Lord - Cindy Tanner
113, The Converted Thief - Velton Chafin
110, Volunteers - Ann Jett.
238, Child's Wish - Ann Jett.
93, Something New - Ann Jett.

A business session was held to hear committee reports. The 2016 session of the Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention will be held at Union again. The business session was closed. Announcements were made.

Danny Creel led 23b, Evening Hymn as the closing song, and then offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Ken Tate; Secretary—Emily Brown.