Georgian Harmony Anniversary Singing

Liberty Hill Community Center
Barnesville, Lamar County, Georgia

Saturday, September 6, 2014

All selections from The Georgian Harmony, 2nd ed., 2012.

The 5th annual session of The Georgian Harmony singing was held on Saturday before the first Sunday in September at the Liberty Hill Community Center. Bill Hollingsworth called the class to order leading 1, Advent.
Eddie Mash offered the opening prayer.

124, Byron - Bill Hollingsworth
80, Mortal Span - John Plunkett
49, Mount Carmel - Oscar McGuire
203, Oak Grove - Eddie Mash
86, Cedar Creek - Jesse P. Karlsberg
32, Benevolence - Helen Bryson
198, Majestic - John Plunkett and Mary Brownlee
227, Harmony - Faith Riley
25, Humility - Rosemund Watson
177, Belmont - Martha Harrell
15, Admonition - Jesse Roberts
9, Now for a Tune - John Hollingsworth
154, Peace - Eric Tweedy
185, Lindale - Bill Hollingsworth
186, St. Elmo - Bill Hollingsworth
252, Arabi - John Plunkett
244, Styles - John Plunkett
26, Andrew's Chapel - Oscar McGuire.
249, A Round in 7's - Oscar McGuire.


Bill Hollingsworth brought the class to order leading 95, Harbor.
130, Cooperstown - Eddie Mash
122, Revelation - Eddie Mash
52, Concert - Jesse P. Karlsberg
94, Bradford - Jesse P. Karlsberg
50, Celebration - Helen Bryson
108, Invocation - Helen Bryson
233, An Easter Song - Eric Tweedy
234, Mount Paran - Eric Tweedy
13, Shepherd - Mary Brownlee.
155, Heavenly Prospect - Mary Brownlee.
Eddie Mash offered the lunch prayer.


Bill Hollingsworth called the class to order leading 12, The Holy Spirit.
209, Council - Faith Riley
175, Eden - Faith Riley
109, Lloyd - Rosemund Watson
152, John - Rosemund Watson
54, John 3:37 - Martha Harrell
166, Oversight - Jesse Roberts
14, In Mercy Lord - Jesse Roberts
33, Dalton - Michael Spencer
3, Calvary's Hill - John Plunkett
176, Dawning - Oscar McGuire
143, Sand Hill - Eddie Mash
208, Ila - Jesse P. Karlsberg
153, Oxford - Eric Tweedy
136, Thus Spake Matthew, A Short Anthem - Mary Brownlee
225, Robinson - Faith Riley
107, Emmaus - Martha Harrell
51, Pilgrim - Jesse Roberts
45, A Prayer at Parting - Michael Spencer.
Raymond Hamrick sent regrets that he could not attend the class. Many of the singers visited him in Macon after the singing.

Announcements were made. Rosemund Watson led 255, Christian Farewell, as the closing song.
Elder Jesse Roberts offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Bill Hollingsworth; Secretary—Mary Brownlee.