Third Annual Cloudland Community Singing

Triple-J Farm, Roan Mountain, Tennessee
Saturday, 19 April 2014

Welcome: RhodyJane Meadows
Opening Prayer: Don Wiley

215, In That Morning - Dorothy Lane & RhodyJane Meadows
500b, Inley - Don Wiley
455b, Rockbridge - Jane Spencer
507b, Sicily - Julianne Wiley
413b, Barby - Mary Baumeister
26b, Ninety-Third - William Simerly
450t, Burford - Chris Wilhelm
235, Faithful Soldier - Dorothy Lane
294, Carmarthen - Leslie Booher
339, Samanthra - RhodyJane Meadows
269t, Restoration - Don Wiley
131, Will You Meet Me - Jane Spencer
507t, Union - Julianne Wiley


25t, Santee - Mary Baumeister
111b, Judkins - William Simerly
496b, Resurrection - Chris Wilhelm
327, The Christian's Hope - Dorothy Lane
546b, Oak Grove - Leslie Booher
157b, Hallelujah - Zack Allen
142, The Solid Rock - RhodyJane Meadows & Harry Morgan
289b, Happy Land - Don Wiley, for the CH 2010 Music Committee
209, The Lord's Supper - Jane Spencer
208b, French Broad - Julianne Wiley
163t, Hollis - Mary Baumeister for Martha Beverly
89, Northfield - William Simerly
410t, Weeping Savior - Chris Wilhelm
171, Sessions - Dorothy Lane
67b, Dundee - Leslie Booher, by request
"Johnny Appleseed" as thanks for the noon meal - RhodyJane Meadows


Zack Allen gave a brief report on the reprinting of the 1873 Walker Book.
393b, China - Leslie Booher
55b, Idumea - Zack Allen
248, Twilight is Falling - RhodyJane Meadows
274, Mother Tell Me of the Angels - Don Wiley IHO "Thistle Dew" ensemble
191, Oh! Turn, Sinner - Julianne Wiley
258, Thorny Desert - Mary Baumeister and Mike Hill
214, Hosanna - William Simerly
41b, Ardor - Chris Wilhelm
369, Easter Anthem - Dorothy Lane and Jane Spencer
87, The Promised Land - Leslie Booher
130b, Passing Away - Zack Allen


330, Fulfilment - Jane Spencer
268, Come Ye to the Waters - RhodyJane Meadows
66b, The Penitent's Prayer - Don Wiley
349, Redemption - Jane Spencer
133, Juniata - Julianne Wiley
61t, North Carolina - Mary Baumeister for Sharon Kellam
226b, Haws - William Simerly
84, Homeland - Chris Wilhelm
106, Sweet Rivers - Dorothy Lane
138, Rest in the Kingdom - Leslie Booher
76b, Night - Don Wiley
Don Wiley closed the singing with prayer.

Secretary: Chris Wilhelm

2014 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
April 2014