Wears Valley View

Valley View Baptist Church, Wears Valley, Sevier County, Tennessee
Sunday, October 7, 2012

All selections from New Harp of Columbia, Restored Edition, 2001.

Minutes - Elkmont Chapel of Valley View Baptist Church, Wears Valley TN (southeast of Knoxville), Sunday, October 7th, 2012. Bruce Wheeler, the moderator, noted that this year marks continuous singing (though not always at this location) for about a century, though the exact date is uncertain. Originally erected in what became Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Elkmont Chapel was dismantled, loaded onto a truck, moved to its present site, and re-erected, in 1938. This year we had only 15 singers, with no basses, so Hal Wilson and Bob Richmond moved over from the treble section.

107, Holy Manna - Bruce Wheeler
Prayer - Bruce Wheeler
109, Bruce's Address - Hal Wilson
115, Northfield - Bob Richmond
81b, Golden Hill - Andrew Whaley
57, Protection - Paul Clabo
125b, New Haven - Reba Clabo
114t, Zion - Kathleen Mavournin
53b, Dundee - Bruce Wheeler
44, Idumea - Hal Wilson
30, Sion's Security - Bob Richmond
110, North Salem - Andrew Whaley
84, The Midnight Cry - Paul Clabo
131t, Marston - Reba Clabo
144, Rowley - Bruce Wheeler
112, Humility - Andrew Whaley
98, Liberty - Bob Richmond
143, Wondrous Love - Paul Clabo
117, Coronation - Bob Richmond
206, Western Mount Pleasant - Andrew Whaley
11, Old Hundred - Bruce Wheeler
Prayer - Bruce Wheeler

Minutes: Bob Richmond.