Sugarlands Visitor Center Singing

Sugarlands Visitor Center
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee

Saturday, December 8, 2012

All selections from New Harp of Columbia, Restored Edition, 2001, except as noted.

Minutes of the annual Sugarlands Visitor Center singing in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Saturday, December 8th, 2012.

107, Holy Manna - Bruce Wheeler
Invocation - David Sarten
183, Long Ago - Paul Clabo
51, Mount Olivet - Andrew Whaley
53b, Dundee - Rick Johnson
69b, Middleton - Joe Sarten (Amazing Grace)
143, Wondrous Love - David Sarten
125b, New Haven - Reba Clabo
74, Never Part Again - Robin Goddard
64t, Zerah - Nancy Olsen
109, Bruce's Address - Hal Wilson
30, Sion's Security - Bob Richmond
117, Coronation - Kathleen Mavournin
130, Antioch - Ann Strange
14, Mear - Nan Taylor
20b, Hebron - Bruce Wheeler
152, Milford - Nancy Olsen
107, Holy Manna - Bruce Wheeler

As is the unique custom at this singing, we continued with singing from a gospel shape note book, Best Known Songs and Hymns, edited by Ruth W. Shelton, published by the R.E. Winsett Music Company in Dayton, Tennessee, in 1961. Jim Whaley led, with Andrew Whaley, leading 190.


We then closed with 11, Old Hundred, from the New Harp of Columbia led by Bruce Wheeler, and Paul Clabo dismissed us.

Minutes: Bob Richmond.