Wears Valley View

Valley View Baptist Church, Wears Valley, Sevier County, Tennessee
Sunday, October 2, 2011

All selections from New Harp of Columbia, Restored Edition, 2001.

New Harp of Columbia singing at Valley View Baptist Church, Wears Valley TN (southeast of Knoxville), Sunday, October 2nd, 2011. The 90th Valley View singing, though not all in the same location. Like Headrick Chapel, the Valley View singing has the altos in the East (altar), leads in the South, basses in the West, trebles in the North. I have written down the verses sung in some cases.

107, Holy Manna - Bruce Wheeler (moderator)
Prayer - Paul Clabo
112, Humility - Andrew Whaley
35, Ninety-Fifth - Gid Fryer - 1,4
80b, Shawmut - Bill Gathergood
98, Liberty - Andrew Whaley
87t, Hightower - Paul Clabo
69b, Middleton - Joe Sarten - 1,2 (Amazing Grace)
53b, Dundee - Reba Clabo
114t, Zion - Andrew Whaley, for Martha Graham
117, Coronation - Kathleen Mavournin
30, Sion's Security - Bob Richmond
59t, Marlow - Bruce Wheeler - text 59b
139, Meditation - Nan Taylor
85, Greenland - Gid Fryer - all verses
143, Wondrous Love - Bill Gathergood - 1,2
24, Salvation - Andrew Whaley - 1, 6
60, Importunity - Paul Clabo - 1
57, Protection - Joe Sarten
125b, New Haven - Reba Clabo
110, North Salem - Andrew Whaley, for Martha Graham
144, Rowley - Kathleen Mavournin and Bob Richmond
109, Bruce's Address - Bob Richmond
56b, Warrenton - Nan Taylor
42, Lenox - Kathleen Mavournin
68t, Paradise - Andrew Whaley, for Martha Graham - no repeat
44, Idumea - Joe Sarten - 1,8 repeat
11, Old Hundred - Bill Gathergood - 1,2,3,4,dox
Dismissal - Joe Sarten

Minutes: Bob Richmond.