The 5th Annual Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing

Morris' Outdoor Pavilion, Warren Wilson College
Swannanoa, Buncombe County, North Carolina

Saturday, July 23, 2011

This singing used The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition; The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition; and The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint.

Jane Spencer welcomed the singers gathered in the Morris Pavilion at Warren Wilson College and opened with 16 (CH10). Ron Pen led in prayer. Jane gave a brief introduction to 7-shape singing.

Leaders (from The Christian Harmony (2010)): Ron Pen 117; Chris Wilhelm 281b; Robert Varkony 498; Leslie Booher 188; Frank DeBolt 282; Dorothy Lane 235; Michael Walker 307; John Plunkett 300; Claudia Dean 291; Robert Kelley 468b; Kevin Kehrberg 293; Mary Baumeister 448t; Lynda Hambourger 299.


Leaders (from The Sacred Harp (1991)): Ron Pen 59; Sara Lynch-Thomason 72b; Sarah Kehrberg 472; Tim Hambourger 168; Mimi Wright 39t; David Bowen 268; Virginia Douglas 49b; Jane Spencer 480; Ron Pen 455; Chris Wilhelm 544; Leslie Booher 448t; Frank DeBolt 569b; Dorothy Lane 159; Michael Walker 318; John Plunkett 86; Claudia Dean 462.


Jane Spencer brought the group back leading 81t. Leaders: Robert Kelley 189; Kevin Kehrberg 56b; Mary Baumeister 191; Lynda Hambourger 112; Ron Pen 146; Sara Lynch-Thomason 186; Sarah Kehrberg 178; Tim Hambourger 339; David Bowen 203; Madeline Wadley 340; Julie Chiles 128; Milton Crotts 108b.


Leaders (from The Southern Harmony (1854)): Ron Pen 90; Jane Spencer 87; Chris Wilhelm 63; Kevin Kehrberg 93; Michael Walker 74; Frank DeBolt 48t; Dorothy Lane 194; John Plunkett 56; Claudia Dean 259; Robert Kelley 30; Mary Baumeister 43; Lynda Hambourger 88; Sara Lynch-Thomason 77; Sarah Kehrberg 195; Tim Hambourger 16; Milton Crotts 262.

Current officers were reelected in a brief business meeting.

Ron Pen, Jane Spencer and Chris Wilhelm led 113 (SoH). Ron Pen closed the singing with prayer.

2011 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
July 2011

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