Capital City Shape Note Singing
Loeb Reception Center, 301 Columbus Street
Montgomery, Montgomery County, Alabama
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The 25th session of the Capitol City Shape Note Singing was called to order
by Bill Hogan singing
36b, Ninety-Fifth.
Joey Brackner, Alabama Center for Traditional
Culture, welcomed everyone to the singing and gave a brief history.
Bill Hogan led
72b, Bellevue.
and the morning prayer was offered by Kennon Smith.
Nancy Hogan
and Joey Brackner served as Secretary.
Judy Chambless arranged as leaders sang from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition:
77t, The Child of Grace - Robert Chambless
347, Christian's Farewell - Judy Chambless
282, I'm Going Home - Ann Webb
503, Lloyd - Kennon Smith
339, When I Am Gone - Wendy Futral
127, Green Fields - Steve Grauberger
143, Pleyel's Hymn (First) -
Eugene Forbes (in memory of his sister).
The class sang from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing).
166, What Can I Do? -
Michael Spencer
253, Is It Far? -
Eugene Forbes
188t, He Loves Me -
Eddie Pierce
264, Harwell - Ken Sundberg
51, Lonsdale -
Bill Hogan
149, A Good Time Coming -
Nancy Hogan
179, Traveling On - Steve Grauberger
109, Not Made with Hands - Judy Chambless.
Tommy Spurlock arranged as the class sang from The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book), 1992 Revision.
99, Gospel Trumpet - Tommy Spurlock
446, ?No such tune? -
Joey Brackner
358, Murillo's Lesson - Ercyl Vidrine
283, ?No such tune? - Ercyl Vidrine
380t, Nettie -
Michael Spencer
85, The Morning Trumpet -
Robert DuPree
239, David's Lamentation - Sam Smith.
The class sang from The Colored Sacred Harp.
59, It Is Finished -
Bill Hogan
18, Alone - Kennon Smith
47, Webster - Steve Grauberger
19, My Mother's Gone -
Michael Spencer
4, Prosperity - Ken Sundberg
87, Florida Storm -
Bill Hogan
“Give Me Just a Little More Time” -
Bill Hogan and
Nancy Hogan.
Elder Ben Keeble offered prayer and the blessing for dinner.
Judy Chambless arranged as leaders sang from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition:
101t, Canaan's Land -
Bill Hogan
47b, Idumea -
Eddie Pierce
179, The Christian Warfare -
Tim Taylor
235, Long Sought Home - Ledora Morris
59, Holy Manna - Kramer Klein
205, Pleasant Hill -
Michael Spencer
434, Fillmore - David Ivey and Karen Ivey
137, Liberty -
Joey Brackner
146, Hallelujah -
SuNell Ellis
354b, Happy Land - Audre Blakeley and J. T. Blakeley.
The class sang from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing).
361, Solemn Thought -
Michael Spencer
121t, Prosperity -
Robert DuPree
143, Farther Along - Steve Grauberger
214, Hosanna -
Nancy Hogan
187, The Gospel Pool - Jonathan Blakeley
133, Juniata -
Bill Hogan.
Tommy Spurlock arranged as the class sang from
The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book), 1992 Revision.
406, New Harmony - Ermon Richmond
463, Angel Band (Land of Beulah) - Ann Renfroe
518, Love At Home - Chita Blakeley
189, Montgomery - Kennon Smith
96, Mercy Seat - Alice Sundberg
505, Cleansing Fountain - Lacey Blakeley
500, Sweet By and By - Wendy Futral
451, Rock of Ages (Toplady) - Robert Chambless
300, Calvary - Kramer Klein
380, ?No such tune? -
Michael Spencer
449, Beautiful River -
SuNell Ellis.
Announcements were given.
David Ivey, Mike Spencer and Bill Hogan closed with
440b, Sharpsburg.
Closing prayer was offered by Elder J. T. Morris.
Chairman—Bill Hogan, Secretary—Nancy Hogan & Joey Brackner.