4th New Year's Eve Singing at Ila

The Hollingsworths' Home
Ila, Madison County, Georgia

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Singing used The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing) (tagged with `AL'),
The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition (tagged with `SH') and
The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint) (tagged with `CHw').

From The Christian Harmony

73t - John Hollingsworth
OP - John Hollingsworth
24t - John Hollingsworth
235 - Shannon Primm
255 - Mary Baumeister
131 - Mildred Chandler
214 - Bill Hollingsworth
258 - Dan Huger
50 - Judy Mincey
58b - Sharon Strong
301 - Robert Kelley
142 - Roger Keane
385 - Michael Spencer
346 - Tom Ivey
64 - Dan Hunter
210t - Mary Kathryn Keane
207t - Buck Lea
67b - Jennifer Hill
206 - Frank DeBolt
55b - Ellen Lea
367 - Willis McCumber


From the Sacred Harp

354 - John Hollingsworth
186 - Matt Hinton
444 - Ian Ludders
236 - Bill Hollingsworth
63 - Jennifer Hill
178 - Roger Keane
382 - Michael Spencer
391 - Erica Hinton
159 - Mary Keane
107 - Willis McCumber
114 - Ellen Lea
287 - Buck Lea
306 - Sharon Strong
225 - Dan Hunter
569 - Frank DeBolt
273 - Tom Ivey
301 - Robert Kelley
461 - Judy Mincey
213b - Shannon Primm
40 - Robert DuPree
81b - Sara Lynch-Thomason
148 - Mary Baumeister


LEADER'S CHOICE (tagged as described above)

278b (SH) - John Hollingsworth
121 (SH) - Bill Hollingsworth
321 (AL)
157 (SH) - Erica Hinton
16 (AL) - Judy Mincey
352 (SH) - Ian Ludders
327 (SH)
342 (AL) - Robert DuPree
84 (SH)
246 (AL) - Dan Hunter
94 (AL)
245 (AL) - Mary Baumeister
287 (AL)
95 (AL) - Dan Huger
49 (AL)
189t (CHw), Holden - John Plunkett
122 (SH) - Roger Keane
146 (SH)
549 (SH) - Tom Ivey
318 (AL)
288 (SH) - Sara Lynch-Thomason
277 (SH) - Anna Hinton
441 (SH) - Sharon Strong
551 (SH)
298 (SH) - Willis McCumber
434 (SH)
143 (SH) - Frank DeBolt
137 (AL)
5 (AL) - Robert Kelley
336 (SH)
361 (AL) - Michael Spencer
163b (AL)
215 (SH) - Shannon Primm
71 (AL)
23b (AL) - John Hollingsworth

From notes made by Shannon Primm

2009 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
March 2010

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