3rd Annual Madison County (Grapevine) Singing

Center Community Center
Petersburg Community, Madison County, North Carolina

Saturday, February 28, 2009

All selections from The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint).
Leaders typically led two songs at a time.

Karen Reed welcomed the singers and introduced Paula Dempsey, Director of Advent Spirituality Center, who offered the opening prayer. Karen then called on Don Wiley to lead 117, Angel Band.

Leaders were then called:
240, Morning Light - Chad Bogart
68b, Arlington - Mary Baumeister
35b, Boylston - Chris Wilhelm
214, Hosanna
293, Lenox - Julianne Wiley
261t, The Good Shepherd
289b, Happy Land - Dan Huger
258, Thorny Desert
381C, Twilight is Falling - Bob Thompson
235, Faithful Soldier - Kim Trese
171t, Sessions - Don Wiley
143t, Coleshill
178b, Duke Street - Chad Bogart
291b, Warrenton
245t, Bozrah - Mary Baumeister
46t, The Hill of Zion
58b, Primrose - Chris Wilhelm
307, True Happiness
159t, The Saint's Delight - Julianne Wiley
26b, Ninety-Third
78b, New Britain - Don Wiley (by request)
Blessing - Karen Reed


77t, Rockingham (First) - Dan Huger
245b, Dying Love
359, Wondrous Love - Bob Thompson
158, The Land of Rest - Chad Bogart
381A, Not Made with Hands
255t, Watchman - Kim Trese
89b, Northfield - Scott Swanton
128t, Ninety-Fifth
130b, Passing Away - Don Wiley
215t, In That Morning
194t, Chester - Mary Baumeister
174t, Prospect
36b, Albion - Julianne Wiley
103b, Fish Pond
250, Realms of the Blest - Don Wiley
153, Columbus
157, Hallelujah - Dan Huger (by request)
89t, Brightest Days, or Elevation
55b, Idumea - Scott Swanton
88, Pisgah
136, Sherburne - Chris Wilhelm
200b, Parting Hand

Closing prayer - Paula Dempsey.

There were 23 present before dinner. A light rain fell for most of the day with heavier showers all around - showers of blessing. Good space, good singing, good eating, good fellowship. A good day.