12th Annual William Walker Memorial Singing

Burwell Building, Wofford College
Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Saturday, April 9, 2005

All selections from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition
and The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint),
with one from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing) (tagged with 'AL')
Leaders typically led two songs at a time.

From 9 to 9:50 am, Mr. Hugh McGraw taught a singing school, introducing history and practice of both 4-shape and 7-shape systems.

After a break, at about 10 am, Dr. Harry Eskew called the class into business meeting. Officers were elected: Chair, Dr. Harry Eskew; Arranging, Frances Carnell; Secretary, Dan Huger.

Chair introduced Dr. Doyle Boggs of Wofford, who welcomed the class and explained that the College was on Spring Break, and would be on this weekend in the future, so regular dining facilities were sadly not available; after discussion, the class voted to plan for Dinner-on-the-grounds next year. The chair asked the class to stand in turn and name self and where from.

Singing called to order by Dr. Eskew leading 49t (SH), Old Hundred.

John Hollingsworth offered the opening prayer.

It was agreed that first session would be sung from Sacred Harp 1991.

299, New Jerusalem - Walter Hartley
146, Hallelujah
59, Holy Manna - Bill Burns
155, Northfield
77t, The Child of Grace - Joel Jones
515, Federal Street
178, Africa - Dan Huger
99, Gospel Trumpet
159, Wondrous Love - Dr. Eskew
503, Lloyd - Deborah Jones
318, Present Joys
128, The Promised Land - Adam Lockamy


Second morning session from Christian Harmony.

117, Angel Band - Adam Lockamy
381A, Not Made with Hands - Mildred Chandler
369, Easter Anthem
103b, Fish Pond - Mary Baumeister
102b, Fleeting Days
76b, Night - John Hollingsworth
77t, Rockingham (First) - Thomas Cole
78b, New Britain - Amanda Denson, for and with her granddaughter, Emily ("4 next week").
On Emily's behalf, and at Miss Amanda's request, the class then sang two verses of "You Are My Sunshine".
Blessing, Joel Jones


First after-dinner session from Sacred Harp:

117, Babylon is Fallen - Dan Huger
145t, Warrenton - Frances Carnell
542, I'll Seek His Blessings
163b, China - Leon Carnell
481, Novakoski
455, Soar Away - Jonathon Smith
148, Jefferson
268, David's Lamentation - Thomas Cole
107, Russia - Steve Walker
452, Martin - Walter Hartley
147t, Boylston
40, Lenox - Bill Burns, with Miriam Turner
504, Wood Street - Gene Crenshaw
497, Natick
276, Bridgewater - Joel Jones
86, Poland (by request)

Second after-dinner session: Christian Harmony.

25b, Brimmer - Adam Lockamy
25t, Santee
24t, Volusia - Mary Baumeister
287, Indian Convert
148, Leander - Dan Huger
185b, Corinth
257, Jubilee - Mildred Chandler
131 (AL), Will You Meet Me?
171t, Sessions - Deborah Jones
49, Forever with the Lord
161t, Wells - Frances Carnell
214, Hosanna
258, Thorny Desert - Steve Walker
245t, Bozrah
158, The Land of Rest - John Hollingsworth
159t, The Saint's Delight - Bob Glick


Appreciation was expressed both to Wofford College, and to Dr Boggs, who generously gave vacation time to allow the singing, and also provided pizza for dinner so we would not need to spend time to go out.

200b, Parting Hand

The class adjourned to nearby Magnolia Cemetery, where it sang 87b, Hicks' Farewell, at the grave of William Walker. Dan Huger gave the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

After the singing, Doug Hurlbert offered a visit to 18th century Shiloh Church, near Inman, SC, oldest church building in Spartanburg county, site of many hollow-square singings.

It was a lovely spring day. There were some forty persons singing; with another ten or so listeners.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Huger, Secretary