2nd Annual William Walker Memorial Singing
Wofford College
Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South Carolina
Saturday, January 7, 1995
The second annual William Walker Memorial Singing was held at Wofford College on Saturday, January 7, 1995. Hugh McGraw opened the singing at 10 a.m., welcoming the singers and visitors, and conducting a brief shape note singing school, including page 49t (SH), Old Hundred from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition. Harry Eskew then opened the singing with a prayer, followed by remarks from Harry Eskew and G. C. Waldrep.
The first portion of the singing was devoted to songs from William Walker's The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint.
83, Thorny Desert -
Laura Boosinger
103, Holy Manna -
Sharon Kellam
3t, Primrose - Margie Dietz
276b, China - John Fedderson
“Bellvue” - Patty Foy
50, Captain Kidd -
Laurel Horton
265, French Broad -
J. B. Parker
137, Sweet Prospect - Mary Johnston
106b, Pacolet -
Harry Eskew
107, Hallelujah - Becky Hart.
The second half of the morning was dedicated to songs from William Walker's
The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint), recently reprinted.
159t, The Saint's Delight -
Willie Israel
89b, Northfield -
Mildred Chandler
359, Wondrous Love -
Diane Eskenasy
369, Easter Anthem -
Terry Chandler
55b, Idumea -
Dan Huger
381C, Twilight is Falling -
Jean Allen
381A, Not Made with Hands -
James Egerton
293, Lenox -
Brent Holcomb
128t, Ninety-Fifth -
J. B. Parker
341, The Lone Pilgrim -
Laura Boosinger
78b, New Britain - Lisa Cox and Amy Ferguson
129t, Coronation -
Scott Swanton
215t, In That Morning -
Wayne Richard
117, Angel Band - Betty Moore
204t, Prayer Meeting -
Sharon Kellam
381B, Babylon is Fallen -
Laurel Horton
86, Ortonville - Claudia Egelhoff
127, Ocean -
Terry Chandler.
(Mr. James Egerton, age 90, was the oldest participant in the singing. He first learned to sing at the Rock Springs Baptist Church on the Polk-Rutherford Co. line in North Carolina in 1910.)
Dr. John Bullard gave the blessing, followed by dinner at the college.
G. C. Waldrep called the singing back together after lunch leading
300, Calvary
from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition.
369, Send A Blessing -
Hugh McGraw
178, Africa - Nancy Newell
82t, Bound For Canaan - Richard Whatley and Evan Whatley
277, Antioch - Leanne Carnell
123t, The Dying Christian - Margie Dietz
347, Christian's Farewell -
Lynda Hambourger
49t, Old Hundred -
Charlene Wallace
40, Lenox -
Scott Swanton
528, Showers of Blessings - John Fedderson
240, Christian Song -
Frances Carnell
38b, Windham -
Willie Israel
344, Rainbow - Mary Johnston
497, Natick - Sandra Polanski
480, Redemption -
Eric Carnell
192, Schenectady - Becky Hart
453, Holly Springs -
Lynda Hambourger
196, Alabama -
Laurel Horton
503, Lloyd -
Charlene Wallace
490, My Shepherd Guides -
Henry Zittrouer
207, Louisiana - Richard Whatley and Evan Whatley
200, Edom -
Diane Eskenasy
408, Weeping Mary -
John Hollingsworth
107, Russia - Nancy Newell
504, Wood Street - Sandra Polanski
203, Florida - Claudia Egelhoff
86, Poland -
Eric Carnell
39t, Detroit -
Phil Perrin
74t, The Enquirer -
Frances Carnell
53, Jerusalem - Leanne Carnell.
Dr. John Bullard closed the singing with
62, Parting Hand,
after which the singing adjourned to the nearby cemetery and sang
341, The Lone Pilgrim at William Walker's grave.
128, The Promised Land at William Walker's grave.
159, Wondrous Love at William Walker's grave.
Chairman—Dr. John Bullard; Secretary—Willie Israel.