The 9th Lee Rogers Memorial Singing

Home of John and Elsie Hollingsworth
Ila, Madison County, Georgia

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The 9th annual Lee Rogers Memorial Singing was held on the Saturday before the third Sunday in September.

All song selections were from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition. Singers often led two songs at a time.

Judy Mincey welcomed the class and led 61t, North Carolina.
John Hollingsworth offered prayer.

Leaders: 61b, Gaines - Judy Mincey
479, Triumph - John Plunkett
460t, Bohemia - John Plunkett
361, Solemn Thought - Christy Sinksen
167t, Detroit - Christy Sinksen
146b, Bangor - Robert Kelley
146t, Solemn Warning - Robert Kelley
323, Holy Manna - Jacob Lindler
290, Amity - Jacob Lindler
398b, Gerar - Mary Baumeister
400b, Hall - Mary Baumeister
293, Lenox - Mildred Chandler
131, Will You Meet Me? - Mildred Chandler
80, The Blind Girl - Shannon Primm
421b, Caddo - Shannon Primm
67b, Dundee - Helen Bryson 189, One by One - Helen Bryson


John Hollingsworth called the class back leading 1, Weary Rest.
136, Sherburne.
Leaders: 171, Sessions - Terry Chandler 126, Ocean - Terry Chandler 14, I'll Serve My Lord - Bill Hollingsworth (in memory of Hugh McGraw), 459t, All-Saints (in memory of Raymond Hamrick)
41b, Ardor - Michael Spencer
401b, Euphrates - Michael Spencer
236t, Pacolet - Dave Farmer
107, Resignation (First) - Dave Farmer
372, I Won't Turn Back - Terry Chandler (at the request of Angela Benton)
110, Volunteers - Chris Wilhelm
410t, Weeping Saviour - Chris Wilhelm
418b, Union Vale - Jane Cannon
54, My Trust - Jane Cannon
142, The Solid Rock - Debora Grosse
143, Farther Along - Debora Grosse
140, Edom - Jack Chandler, Jr..
369, Easter Anthem - Jack Chandler, Jr..


A short business meeting reelected the officers by acclamation.
For the 2018 singing, Chairman—Judy Mincey; Vice Chairman—Mike Spencer; Secretary—Helen Bryson.

Judy Mincey led 62, (No song at that page no.) to open the afternoon session.
Leaders: 362, Shining Light - Justin Bowen
43, The Heavenly Throng - Justin Bowen
120, Home in the Sky - Lauren Bock
316, This Heavy Load - Lauren Bock
354, Summer - Jesse P. Karlsberg
74, God's Helping Hand - Jesse P. Karlsberg
104, Everlasting Song - John Plunkett
55b, Idumea - Christy Sinksen
541, Resignation (Second) - Jacob Lindler
105b, Hamburg - Jacob Lindler
305, The Weary Soldier - Mary Baumeister
374, Heavenly Vision - Shannon Primm
38, God Is Our Refuge - Jesse P. Karlsberg
223, Hallelujah! Praise The Lord - Justin Bowen
516, Oliphant - Bill Hollingsworth
402t, Olive Leaf - Michael Spencer
548, Macedonia - John Hollingsworth
546b, Oak Grove - John Hollingsworth
294, Carmarthen - Dave Farmer
250t, Realms of the Blest - Chris Wilhelm
378, Mount Hope - Jane Cannon
332, Babylonian Captivity - Lauren Bock
64, Youthful Blessings - Jesse P. Karlsberg.

After announcements of upcoming singings, Judy Mincey led 432b, Fish Pond as a closing song in memory of Lee Rogers and Sharon Kellam.
John Hollingsworth offered a benedictory prayer.
Chairman—Judy Mincey; Vice Chairman—Michael Spencer; Secretary—Helen Bryson.