7th Annual Nan Herring (Furman) Singing

Nan Herring Pavilion, Daniel Music Building, Furman University
Greenville, Greenville County, South Carolina

Saturday, May 8, 2004

The singing was called to order by Vice Chairman Dan Huger (acting for Chairman Frances Carnell, unable to attend the singing) leading Christian Harmony page 210t, Old Hundred.
John Hollingsworth offered the opening prayer, and Jean O. Gaston welcomed the class.

Books used were The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint), The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition, and An Eclectic Harmony, Volume II, 2001; in the opening session, all songs were from Christian Harmony. Leaders often led two songs at a time.

58b, Primrose - Dan Huger
21, Webster - Lee Rogers
51, Lonsdale
280t, Zion - John Hollingsworth
162t, Heavenly Light, or Eden
88, Pisgah - Bill Hogan
128t, Ninety-Fifth
323b, Angels Singing - John Plunkett
283, Willowby
80t, Caddo - Mary Baumeister
81b, Whitney
141, Detroit - Chip Mays
249t, Green Fields
255t, Watchman - Anita Landess
81t, Maitland
293, Lenox - Bill Burns


139b, Suffield - Dan Huger

In a business session, the previous year's officers were reelected: Chairman—Frances Carnell Vice Chairman—Dan Huger Secretary—Lee Rogers Chaplain—John Plunkett. The officers appointed the following committees: Arranging—Dan Huger; Finance—Bill Hogan; Locating/Hospitality—Jean Osteen Gaston and John Gaston.

The next section was sung from "The Sacred Harp".

178, Africa - Chris Berg
267, Parting Friends (First)
155, Northfield - Diane Eskenasy
200, Edom
71, Leander - Steve Walker
107, Russia
61, Sweet Rivers - Becky Walker
480, Redemption
145t, Warrenton - Sarah Jane Thomas
59, Holy Manna Blessing, John Plunkett


66 (EH2) - Dan Huger
270, Confidence - Lee Rogers
424, Sweet Union
409, Promised Day - John Hollingsworth
401, Cuba
47b, Idumea - Bill Hogan
475, A Thankful Heart
282, I'm Going Home - John Plunkett
236, Easter Anthem
569b, Sacred Throne - Mary Baumeister
56b, Villulia
344, Rainbow - Chip Mays
474, Mount Desert
164, Duane Street - Anita Landess


The final session sung from Christian Harmony.

103b, Fish Pond - Dan Huger
339, Samanthra - Diane Eskenasy
198, Creation
217, Jerusalem - Steve Walker
281b, Palmetto
105b, Resignation - Becky Walker
86, Ortonville
245t, Bozrah - Sarah Jane Thomas
216b, Social Band
78b, New Britain - Lester Good and Dan Huger

Announcements; including special thanks to Furman University, and to Mrs Jean O. Gaston.

200b, Parting Hand
Closing prayer, John Plunkett

Minutes thanks to Lee Rogers.