Ila, Madison County, Georgia
Friday, 3 November 2006
Deason-Parris Christian Harmony (Alabama Book) and Denson Sacred Harp
Selections from Christian Harmony
73t - Ella's Song, John Hollingsworth
Opening Prayer - Jack Chandler, Sr.
261b - Alone, John Hollingsworth, as requested by John Plunkett whose mother
Helen Plunkett, died Wednesday, Nov. 1
131 - Will You Meet Me? - Mildred Chandler
89 - Northfield
157b - Hallelujah - Harry Eskew
293 - Lenox
290t - Amity, Lucy Sandidge
309t - Singing School, Erin Mills
203 - Cumberland, Jane Spencer
105b - Hamburg, Mike Spencer
261t - Come Thou Fount, Roger Keane
58b - Primrose, Andy Anderson
58t - Liverpool
369 - Easter Anthem, Rodney Chandler
110 - Volunteers, Terry Chandler
126 - Ocean
109 - Not Made With Hands, Sam Chandler
157b - Hallelujah, Cathryn Lyons
214 - Hosanna, Lee Rogers
Selections from the Sacred Harp
378b - Never Turn Back, John Hollingsworth
455 - Soar Away, Cathryn Lyons
35 - Saints Bound for Heaven - Sarah Ward
178 - Africa, Lee Rogers
76b - Desire for Piety, Erin Mills
288 - White
207 - Louisiana, Mike Spencer
47b - Idumea, Terry Chandler
39t - Detroit
170 - Exhilaration, Roger Keane
122 - All is Well
107 - Russia, Andy Anderson
347 - Christian's Farewell
34b - St. Thomas, Harry Eskew
282 - I'm Going Home, Sarah Ward
144 - Jubilee, Lucy Sandidge
62 - Parting Hand, John Hollingsworth
Closing Prayer - Ken George
The next Hollingsworth Home Singing will be Dec. 31, 2006 - a New
Year's Eve Singing
Dinner on the Grounds at 6:30
Singing 7:30 - 12:00 a.m. Jan. 1, 2007
If you need to sleep over at the Hollingsworth's you are welcome as long
as the space lasts, and there is a lot of space.
Minutes by Jane Spencer