Home of John & Elsie Hollingsworth

Ila, Madison County, Georgia
Friday, 16 December, 2005

Beautiful Star of Bethlehem - Angela Benton

Opening Prayer - Jack Chandler, Sr.

Selections from Deason-Parris Revision ("Alabama book")

3 - Christmas Morn, John Hollingsworth
67b - Dundee, John Plunkett
78b - New Britain, Jill Chandler
123 - Rapturous Scene, Jane Spencer
369b - Easter Anthem, Billy Hollingsworth
136 - Sherburne, Rodney Chandler
214 - Hosanna, Mildred Chandler
165 - Babylon is Fallen, Jackie Elsner
346 - Star in the East, Ken George
137 - Antioch, Margaret Agner
342 - Blest Morn, Jane Spencer
306 - Middlebury, Lee Rogers


Selections from Sacred Harp - 91 Denson Edition

138t - Adoration, John Hollingsworth
354t - Lebanon
152 - Shepherds Rejoice, John Plunkett
81b - Cookham, Jane Spencer
146 - Hallelujah, Billy Hollingsworth
159 - Wondrous Love, Rodney Chandler
273 - Milford, Lee Rogers
40 - Lenox, Jackie Elsner
294 - Rocky Road, Ken George
306b - Oxford, John Plunkett
223 - Portugese Hymn (aka 'Poor Chicken Hen' according to Angela & John Hollingsworth)
461 - Shining Star, Jane Spencer
354b - Happy Land, Billy Hollingsworth
178 - Africa, Rodney Chandler
287 - Cambridge, John Hollingsworth & Oskar Almen
441 - Raymond, Jane Spencer

Closing Prayer - John Plunkett

Minutes: Jane Spencer

2005 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
December 2005