Schedule of Singings
Plans change, Singings may need to be moved, postponed, or cancelled.
Email addresses have been written out to (I hope) minimize harvesting by spammers.
Monthly Events
Second Thursdays
Evening Workshop
Lost Provinces Singers (Ashe County, NC)- The Ashe Arts Center, West Jefferson
- 7 - 9 PM
- Books: Carolina Christian Harmony (a few loaners available)
- Get directions
Contact: Gary Poe, gpoe at skybest dot com
PO Box 802, West Jefferson, NC, 28694
Third Sundays
Afternoon Workshop in Johnson City, TN-
Sycamore Shoals State Park
Elizabethton, Carter County - 2 - 5 PM
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010)
- Get Directions
CONTACT: Don Wiley, drw509 at embarqmail dot com
or find information at the related website
Sycamore Shoals State Park
'Not Christian Harmony' monthly singing opportunities nearby:
In the Greeneville TN area, a monthly New Harp of Columbia Afternoon:
Last Sunday Each Month
Not April, September, December
Afternoon workshop using
New Harp of Columbia-
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
201 North Main St.
Greeneville, TN - 3 - 5 PM (no meal)
- At the intersection of Main Street and Church Street, on US Route 321 in downtown Greeneville. This is "the cannon ball church". A big old brick church with white steeple. Parking behind the church. Community room: through double doors, turn right.
CONTACT: Jeff Farr, 423-620-8267
email: summersfarr at embarqmail dot com -
Fourth Sunday in September: All Day Singing at Headrick's
in Wear's Valley near Townsend TN
25 September
For more information see http://www.oldharp.org/
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
In the Greenville SC area, a monthly Sacred Harp Evening:
Friday before the Third Sunday each
Evening Workshop using
The 1991 Sacred Harp-
Greenville First Christian Church
Edwards Rd and Lake Fairfield Drive
Greenville, SC - 7 - 9 PM (no meal)
- Location: Edwards Road comes off of Wade Hampton Blvd (US 29 N) just across from where N Pleasantburg (SC 291) intersects with Wade Hampton; the church is about 8/10 of a mile south.
- Get Directions
CONTACT: Leon or Frances Carnell, 864-862-4373
email: carnelllh at juno dot com -
All-day singing at Gray Court-Owings Pioneer
- 10 September 2011; 10 AM - 3 PM; DOG;
- Books: The Sacred Harp. Loaners will be available.
Get Directions
Greenville First Christian Church
Annual Singings 2011
DOG = Dinner on the Grounds
Third Sunday
Old County Line Church
- Jefferson County, Alabama, near Corner, off Miller Rd., 9 miles west of Warrior.
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony. There will be some books for sale.
- From Birmingham: I-65 North to Exit 284 Hayden/Corner. Travel west approximately 7.5 miles. Turn left on Miller Road. Go .2 miles and Church is on right.
- For more information, contact Danny Creel at (205) 915-7794 cell, or (205) 824-1604 home.
Saturday before the Fifth Sunday
- Saturday, 29 January at LIBERTY HILL.
- Book: The Georgian Harmony. Please join us for this celebration and don't miss this opportunity to sing so many wonderful songs with the composer.
- We plan to start at 10:00
From Atlanta:
Go south on Interstate 75 to exit 201. Turn right (west) onto Georgia Highway 36 and go about 7 miles. Liberty Hill will be on the left in a small grove of oak trees. -
Contact: John Hollingsworth (706) 789 3916
email: john at billnet dot org
Saturday before First Sunday in February
Rotunda Singing, Alabama State Capitol
- Montgomery, Alabama
- This singing will again be held in the lobby of the Alabama State Archives on the south side of the Capitol, 624 Washington Ave.
- Four books used: The Sacred Harp, 1991 Revision; Cooper Revision; Christian Harmony; Colored Sacred Harp.
- For more information, contact Jim Carnes, (334) 281-2010/271-1081 (days).
Weekend of the Fourth Sunday
The famous seven-book-two-day shape-note singing extravaganza.
- On Saturday during the day, at Hardeman Primitive Baptist in Decatur, GA, they will sing from the JLWhite version of SH, but also from the Eclectic Harmonies I and II (10-3, DoG);
- Saturday night is a Christian Harmony (2010) singing at the home of John and Elsie Hollingsworth in Ila, GA (among the best you may hope to find, IMHO.... 7-9pm+: covered dish supper at 6);
- on Sunday, in Athens, GA, at the Botanical Garden, a morning session from the Social Harp (loaners available), in the PM from the Red Book SH (10-3; DoG).
Further info about location, contacts etc is available at
or, you can consult
John Hollingsworth, john at billnet dot org
Saturday before the First Sunday
5th Madison County (Grapevine) Singing
- Location: Center Community Center, Petersburg community, between Mars Hill and Marshall
- 10 AM - 3 PM
- Books: Carolina Christian Harmony (the Walker edition)
- DOG at noon
- Get directions
CONTACT: Don Wiley, drw509 at embarqmail dot com
or find information at the related website
Third Sunday
Deason Memorial Singing
- Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church
- Bibb County, Alabama, 4 miles west of Eoline.
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
- On US 82 between 70 and 71-mile marker, turn south onto County Road 1 (a.k.a. Bear Creek Rd.). Go 1 1/2 miles to crest of hill. Turn left onto Little Hope Rd. Go 1 1/2 miles. Church on right.
- For more information, contact Ruth Wyers, (205) 926-3043.
Saturday before the Third Sunday
17th South Carolina State Singing in Memory of William Walker
AAS Room of the Burwell Building
Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC - 9 AM to 3 PM, brief singing school at the beginning
Books: The Sacred Harp, The Southern Harmony, The Christian
Harmony (2010)
Sacred Harp and Christian Harmony books will be available for loan or sale; there will be some loaner Southern Harmony books. - Purchase a lunch in the student cafeteria upstairs.
- Following the singing (weather permitting), a group may walk to Mr. Walker's gravesite to sing a song or two for him.
For more information and directions to the singing:
http://www.wofford.edu - CONTACT: Jonathon Smith, email diap842 at yahoo dot com
Saturday before the First Sunday
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
- Pendleton, South Carolina
- 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM
- Books: The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition and if you haven't that book, please bring your Carolina and Alabama Christian Harmony books.
- DOG at noon
- Get Directions
CONTACT: Ken George
email: kennethwgeorge at bellsouth dot net
Saturday before the Third Sunday
Rusk County Christian Harmony Convention
- Old Redland Methodist Church
- Rusk County, Texas, 2 miles east of Laneville.
- Corner of FM 1798 and FM 2496.
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
- For more information, contact Robert Vaughn (903) 863-5379.
Saturday before the First Sunday
which is April 30th!
104th Etowah Spring Singing
- Cummings Memorial Methodist Church, Horseshoe, North Carolina
- 10 AM - 3:00 PM
Books: Morning: Carolina Christian Harmony and Alabama Christian
Afternoon: both Christian Harmony books *and* New Harp of Columbia (iff we have sufficient NHC books) - DOG
- On Banner Farm Road, just down the hill from the red light on Highway 64, between the red light and the railroad tracks.
CONTACT: Scott Swanton, prmbap at hotmail dot com
phone, 828 891 8375
First Sunday
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church
- Newton County, Mississippi, near Hickory.
- From I-20, take Hickory/Decatur exit (Exit #115).
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
- For directions, contact Junie McNeil, (601) 646-5958
Saturday before the Second Sunday
"Nan Herring Singing"
- Furman University, Greenville, SC
- 10 AM - 3:00 PM
- Books: Sacred Harp (1991) and The Christian Harmony (2010)
- Get directions
CONTACT: Mrs. Jean O. Gaston, 864-246-5690
Saturday, 28 May
The Piccolo Spoleto Festival and Lowcountry Sacred Harp present
An All-Day Sacred Harp Singing
Singing school: 9 AM
Singing: 10am to 3:30pm
Gage Hall, 4 Archdale Street
Charleston, South Carolina - Books: The 1991 Sacred Harp
- Directions: From I-26 take exit 221-B right onto Meeting St. Proceed 1 mile and turn right on Calhoun St. at Marion Square. Go 2 blocks and turn left on St. Philip Street. After 2nd light road bends into Archdale St. After 2nd church Gage Hall is on left. Parking is off alley behind hall. Please note: LUNCH IS DUTCH TREAT between 12 and 1:30 pm. Plenty of restaurant options in walking distance of the venue.
For more information, contact the organizers:
Michael Walker at mischawalker - at - aol - dot - com
Tom Ivey at iveyt - at -cofc - dot - edu
(843) 853-3976
Saturday before the First Sunday
Greene County Tennessee Sing
- New Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church
- 10 AM - 3 PM
- Books: New Harp of Columbia
- DOG noonish
Location: New Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church
a big pre-Civil War structure on Cox Road just off Tenn Rte 70, about 4 miles north of its intersection with US 11 E, outside of Greeneville -
CONTACT: Jeff Farr, 423-620-8267,
email: summersfarr at embarqmail dot com
Saturday before the First Sunday
Dahlonegah, Georgia, All-Day Singing
- If you have any questions about the cancellation, you may contact brother John Carter at 706-892-8228 or brother Lee Brantley at 404-386-8449
First Sunday
Little Hope Christian Harmony Singing
- Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church (see Third Sunday in March for directions)
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
- For more information, contact Ruth Wyers, (205) 926-3043.
Saturday before the Second Sunday
10th Calvary Episcopal Singing
- Fletcher, NC (the north side of Henderson County)
- 10 AM - 3 PM
- Books: William Walker's The Christian Harmony (the Carolina book)
- Get directions
CONTACT: Dan Huger, 828-274-8899,
email: dehuger at mindspring dot com
Second Sunday
Tuscaloosa County Christian Harmony Convention
- Shiloh Methodist Church
- Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, 5 miles southeast of Duncanville.
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
- From the 65-mile marker on US 82, turn onto Lake Payne Rd. Go 3 miles. Church on left.
- For more information, contact Harvey Dockery (205) 759-1071.
Saturday before the Third Sunday
Blue Ridge Primitive Baptist Church
- Chatsworth, Georgia
10:30 - 12:00 singing from the Old School Hymnal (# 11)
12:00 - 1:00 lunch at the Church
1:00 - 2:30 singing from Christian Harmony books -
The Church is located at 134 Hyden Tyler Road.
Take US Hwy. 411 North from downtown Chatsworth
Turn right onto Old Federal Rd. (just past Auto Zone)
Bear right onto Hyden Tyler Rd.
The Church is approx. one mile from Hwy. 411. - Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
CONTACT: Greg Smith (706)980-8176
David Smith (706)980-0442.
Saturday before the Fourth Sunday
2nd Quay Smathers Memorial Singing
The Shook-Smathers House
Saturday before Fourth Sunday
Newton County Christian Harmony Convention
- Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church
- Newton County, Mississippi, 8 miles north of Newton.
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
- From I-20, take the exit for Mississippi Hwy. 15, and go south to a 4-way stop, at US 80. Turn right, west, onto US 80 and drive 1 mile to another 4-way stop, at corner of Clark Memorial College campus. Turn right onto Scanlan St., also called New Ireland Rd., and drive 7 miles. Eventually road changes name to Pine Bluff Rd. You pass Pine Bluff Church on the way. Macedonia Church on the right.
- For more information, contact Junie McNeil, (601) 646-5958.
Second Saturday, 9 July
18th John Campbell Folk School Singing
Brasstown, NC - A BIG Singing!
http://www.folkschool.org/ - 10:30 AM. - 3:00 PM
- Books: Mainly The Christian Harmony (2010), some loaners available.
- Directions available on the Folkschool website: http://www.folkschool.org
CONTACT: Bob Dalsemer, 1-800-365-5724, bob at folkschool dot org
Third Thursday
Capitol City Singing
- Loeb Reception Center, Corner of Columbus and N. McDonough St., Montgomery, AL
- Sacred Harp (1991 and Cooper revisions), Alabama Christian Harmony, Colored Sacred Harp
- Bring a sack lunch
- Info: ??
Saturday before the Fourth Sunday, 23 July
The Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing
The Morris Pavilion, Warren Wilson College
Please be aware that Morris Pavilion is an 'open air' pavilion, but is shaded and used for classes taught during the summer. Dress to stay cool and bring your hand fans! - 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM with DOG
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010), Sacred Harp and Southern Harmony
- Contact: Jane Spencer - jcspencer59 at gmail dot com, Home:(706) 769-8782, Cell: (706) 410-0982
- Get directions
Fourth Sunday
Bibb County Christian Harmony Convention
- Old Pleasant Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church
- Bibb County, Alabama, 2 miles east of Eoline.
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
- Along US 82 at 79-mile marker, north side of highway.
- For more information, contact Billy Thompson, (205) 926-7121.
August 11-14
Camp DoReMi
- http://www.campdoremi.org
Wildacres Retreat, Little Switzerland, NC
http://wildacres.org/ - Books: The Christian Harmony (2010), The New Harp of Columbia
Contact: Jane Spencer, phone: 706-769-8782
email: jcspencer59 at gmail dot com -
Fourth Sunday & Saturday before
Mississippi State Sacred Harp Singing Convention
- Antioch Primitive Baptist Church
- Scott County, Mississippi, between Forest and Sebastopol.
- From US 80, drive north on Mississippi Hwy 21 for 7 miles, towards Sebastopol. Church on right.
- Books used: Sacred Harp (1991 Edition); Cooper Revision; Christian Harmony.
- For more information, contact Mark Davis, (601) 919-0209.
Fourth Sunday
Tickanetly Primitive Baptist Church
- Ellijay, Georgia
- Books: Christian Harmony 2010
- 10 - 11 AM Singing
- 11 AM - 12 noon Worship
- 1 PM - 3 PM Singing
- Get directions
CONTACT: Paul Mooney, Jr., 706-273-3378
Saturday before the First Sunday
104th Etowah Fall Singing
- Cummings Memorial Methodist Church, Horseshoe, North Carolina
- 10 AM - 3:00 PM
Books: Morning - Christian Harmony 2010
Afternoon - also New Harp of Columbia (iff we have sufficient NHC books) - DOG
- On Banner Farm Road, just down the hill from the red light on Highway 64, between the red light and the railroad tracks.
CONTACT: Scott Swanton, prmbap at hotmail dot com
phone, 828 891 8375
Second Sunday
Hale County Christian Harmony Convention
China Grove Methodist Church
Hale County, Alabama, 10 miles east of Moundville. - Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
- From Tuscaloosa, drive south on Alabama Hwy 69 for 15 miles to Moundville, turn left (east) onto Centerville Rd (also called County Road 50). Go about 8 miles, veer right onto Clary Hill Rd. Go 2 miles, veer right at sign for China Grove Church, which will be on the right quarter mile past turn.
For more information, contact Tim Cook, (205) 458-3498.
Second Sunday
121st "Old Folks Day" Singing
- Morning Star United Methodist Church, Canton, NC (in Dutch Cove)
- 11 AM Worship Service, followed by
- DOG followed by Singing in the afternoon
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Carolina Christian Harmony
- Get directions
CONTACT: June Smathers Jolley, 828-648-4532
email: zjolley at charter dot net
Saturday before the Third Sunday
3rd Lee Rogers Memorial Singing
At the home of John and Elsie Hollingsworth near Ila, Georgia
1574 Adams-Clarke Road, Commerce, GA - Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) Loaners will be available.
- Singing School starts at 9 AM
- DOG at noon
Contact: Robert Kelley, 864-513-1593, email: composer at mykeyboard dot com
John Hollingsworth, 706-789-3916, email: john at billnet dot org
Last Saturday, 24 September
37th Mountain Heritage Day
- Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC
- Sacred Harp 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
- Lunch provided
- Carolina Christian Harmony, Christian Harmony 2010, and Alabama Christian Harmony 1:30 - 3:30 PM (some loaners available)
- Get directions
CONTACT: Michael Nichols, 828-586-4802,
email: mrnichol at frontier dot com
Fourth Sunday and Saturday before, September 24 and
2011 Alabama State Christian Harmony Singing Convention
- Singing school/social event will be held Friday night, September 23rd, before the AL CH convention on September 24-25, 2011. Refreshments provided.
Union Missionary Baptist Church
3351 Warrior-Jasper Rd. (County Road 140), 8 miles west of Warrior, AL. - Books: The Christian Harmony (2010), Alabama Christian Harmony welcome also!
- I-65 N to exit 282 (Warrior Robbins exit). Church is 7.6 miles West on Warrior Jasper Road (approximately 5 miles East of Hwy 78.
- Danny Creel - President; Bill Hogan - Vice President
CONTACT: Danny Creel - 205 915 7794
Third Saturday
Webster United Methodist Church
- Webster, Jackson County, North Carolina
Fourth Sunday, October 23
Shiloh Methodist Church
- Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, 5 miles southeast of Duncanville.
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
- From the 65-mile marker on US 82, turn onto Lake Payne Rd. Go 3 miles. Church on left.
For more information, contact Harvey Dockery (205) 759-1071.
Saturday before the First Sunday
Johnson City, Tennessee
Location: Sycamore Shoals State Park
Elizabethton, Carter County - 10 AM - 3 PM
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and New Harp of Columbia
- Get directions
Contact: Don Wiley 423.341.8893,
email: drw509 at embarqmail dot com
Saturday before the Second Sunday
~18th Swannanoa Valley Singing
- Location: St. James Episcopal Church, Black Mountain
- 10 AM - 3:00 PM
- Books: The Christian Harmony Carolina book and the 2010 edition.
- Get directions
CONTACT: Joe Holbert, 828-669-7260,
email: treeblow at bellsouth dot net
First Sunday and the Saturday before
2nd Georgia State Christian Harmony Convention
- Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church, Tallapoosa, Georgia
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010)
Contact Bill Hollingsworth
email: bill at skimcast dot com
Saturday before the Second Sunday
16th St. John's Singing
- Rutherfordton Presbyterian Church
- 10 AM - 3 PM
- Books:The Christian Harmony (2010)
- Get updated directions
CONTACT: Dot Lane, 828-287-0508, or
Jane Spencer, email: jcspencer59 at gmail dot com
Second Sunday and Saturday before, December 10 and
Joseph Jackson Beasley Memorial Singing
Concord Primitive Baptist Church
Winfield, Alabama. - From US 78 east of Winfield, take Alabama Hwy. 129 north (towards Tucker). Turn left, west, on County Road 14. Turn left at the church sign. The church is 0.7 miles down this road, on the right.
- Books used on Saturday: Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition; Cooper Revision; Christian Harmony; Lloyd's Hymns.
- Books used on Sunday: Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition.
For more information, contact John Beasley, (205) 487-3916.
Second Tuesday, December 13
Christmas Singing
- Eoline Baptist Church
- 6:00 - 7:30 Singing, followed by potluck treats.
- Books: The Christian Harmony (2010) and Alabama Christian Harmony.
- Bibb County, Alabama, approx. 100 yards east of 77-mile marker on US 82, on south side of highway.
For more information, contact Billy Thompson, (205) 926-7121.