Shiloh Christian Harmony Singing
Shiloh Methodist Church
near Duncanville, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama
Sunday, October 22, 2017
All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.
Bill Hogan, keying.
359, Wondrous Love -
Joe Belcher
Harvey Dockery opened the singing by offering prayer.
360, The Saints Bound for Heaven -
Jeff James
121, (No song at that page no.) -
Bill Hogan
50, Cranbrook -
Bill Hogan
363, The Christian Warfare -
Tim Taylor
189, One by One -
Tim Taylor
159, (No song at that page no.) -
David Daniel
143, Farther Along -
David Daniel
372, I Won't Turn Back -
Joe Belcher
188, He Loves Me -
Joe Belcher
253, Is It Far? - Tonya Bigham
117, Angel Band - Tonya Bigham
241, Closer Walk with God -
Harvey Dockery
248, Twilight is Falling -
Harvey Dockery
166, What Can I Do? -
Mary Amelia Taylor
261, (No song at that page no.) -
Mary Amelia Taylor
287, Indian Convert -
Dawn Mitchell
51, Lonsdale -
Dawn Mitchell
369, Easter Anthem -
Dawn Mitchell
432b, Fish Pond -
Katlin Bailey
281, (No song at that page no.) -
Katlin Bailey
171, Sessions -
George Tatum
170, On My Way -
George Tatum
140, Edom -
Beth Tatum Brown
135, Raymond -
Beth Tatum Brown
293, Lenox -
Minerva Tatum
178, That Beautiful Land -
Minerva Tatum
355, Homeward Bound -
Jason Smith
77, How Beautiful Heaven Must Be -
Jason Smith
58b, Primrose -
Dawson Dockery
165, Babylon is Fallen -
Dawson Dockery
255, Watchman (Second) -
Cindy Hall
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Cindy Hall
264, Harwell - Brooke Hall
369, Easter Anthem - Brooke Hall
268, Come Ye to the Waters -
Katlin Bailey
64, Youthful Blessings -
Tim Taylor
336, (No song at that page no.) -
Bill Hogan
253, Is It Far? -
Jason Smith
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old -
David Daniel
49, Forever with the Lord -
Mary Amelia Taylor
207, (No song at that page no.) -
Katlin Bailey
59t, Mear -
Katlin Bailey
162, Redeemed Singers -
Jeff James
269, (No song at that page no.) -
George Tatum
305, The Weary Soldier -
George Tatum
176, Heavenly Treasures -
Cindy Hall
133, Juniata -
Bill Hogan
200, Parting Hand -
Cindy Hall
Minutes by Jeff James, and sent in by Katlin Bailey.