9th? Annual Rusk County Singing Convention

Old Pine Grove Church
Henderson, Rusk County, Texas

Saturday, April 22, 2017 and Sunday, April 23, 2017

Saturday, April 22

The 9th annual Rusk County Singing met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in April at Old Pine Grove Church near Henderson, Texas. The tune book for Saturday was The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

With the absence of the chairman, the vice chair, Chris Nicholson, called the class to order leading 338t, How Firm a Foundation.
Gaylon Powell offered the opening prayer.

Chris Nicholson then called the class into a business session and the following officers were elected: Chairman—Chris Nicholson; Vice Chairman—John Berendzen; Secretary—Gaylon Powell.

Leaders: 67b, Dundee - Chris Nicholson
142, The Solid Rock - John Berendzen
143, Farther Along - John Berendzen
155, Solemn Call - Gaylon Powell
332, Babylonian Captivity - Gaylon Powell
393t, West Point - Robert Vaughn
394, Stubborn Heart - Robert Vaughn
258, Thorny Desert - Elizabeth Stoddard
79, Kingwood - Elizabeth Stoddard
336t, Sweet Harmony - Kristie Powell
548, Macedonia - Kristie Powell
61t, North Carolina - Eva Striebeck.
544, Life's Troubles - Eva Striebeck.


Chris Nicholson called the class back together leading 187, The Gospel Pool.

Leaders: 76b, Night - Henry McGuire
131, Will You Meet Me? - Henry McGuire
421b, Caddo - Tammy Powell
64, Youthful Blessings - Tammy Powell
515, Olive Shade - Charles Whitmer
246, The Good Physician - Charles Whitmer
105b, Hamburg - John Berendzen
261t, Come Thou Fount - John Berendzen
133, Juniata - Gaylon Powell
206, Prayer Meeting - Gaylon Powell
189, One by One - Robert Vaughn
204t, What a Day - Robert Vaughn
188, He Loves Me - Natalie Fletcher.
78b, New Britain - Natalie Fletcher.
Dismissed for lunch with Elder Robert Vaughn asking the blessing.


Chris Nicholson called the class back leading 167t, Detroit.
167b, Come Along.

Leaders: 572, (No song at that page no.) - Elizabeth Stoddard
339, Samanthra - Elizabeth Stoddard
41t, Mediation - Kristie Powell
105t, Tender Care - Kristie Powell
354, Summer - Eva Striebeck
51, Lonsdale - Eva Striebeck
432b, Fish Pond - Henry McGuire
203, Cumberland - Henry McGuire
322, Among that Band - Tammy Powell
253, Is It Far? - Tammy Powell
498, Hendon - Charles Whitmer
507t, Union - Charles Whitmer
117, Angel Band - Natalie Fletcher.
137, Antioch - Natalie Fletcher.


Chris Nicholson called the class back together leading 490, Creation (Second).

Leaders: 157, Hallelujah - Gloria Berendzen
303, The Unclouded Day - John Berendzen
74, God's Helping Hand - Gaylon Powell
77, How Beautiful Heaven Must Be - Robert Vaughn
484, Olivet - Elizabeth Stoddard
138, Rest in the Kingdom - Kristie Powell
50, Cranbrook - Eva Striebeck
54, My Trust - Henry McGuire
346, Star in the East - Charles Whitmer
111b, Judkins - John Berendzen
313, Bruce's Address - Elizabeth Stoddard
546b, Oak Grove - Eva Striebeck
493t, Kedron - Henry McGuire.
The chairman appointed Robert Vaughn and Elizabeth Stoddard to serve on the memorial committee. He then led 549t, The Christian's Farewell for the closing song.
The closing prayer was offered by Robert Vaughn.

Sunday, April 23

The Sunday session of the convention was held in conjunction with the Pine Grove Cemetery Homecoming. The tune book for Sunday was The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book), 2012 Revision. Chris Nicholson called the class to order leading 59b, Holy Manna.
Elder Robert Vaughn led the opening prayer.

Leaders: 264t, Great God, Attend (Duke Street) - Chris Nicholson
264b, Hebron - John Berendzen
422b, The Grieved Soul - John Berendzen
53, Jerusalem - Gaylon Powell
142, Stratfield - Gaylon Powell
164, Duane Street - Kim Vaughn
558, I'll Praise My Master - Kim Vaughn
127, Green Fields - David Rousseau
179, The Christian Warfare - David Rousseau
422t, A Song of Texas - Will McGuire
410, Willie - Will McGuire
459, Tolling Bell - Charity Vaughn
212, Sharon - Charity Vaughn
54t, Palmetto - Elizabeth Stoddard
138t, Song to the Lamb - Elizabeth Stoddard
268t, Restoration - Lisa Matt
38t, Sessions - Lisa Matt
587, Nearer, My God, To Thee (Bethany) - Charles Whitmer
218, Mount Pleasant - Charles Whitmer
133, John 4:14 - Eva Striebeck.
449, Beautiful River - Eva Striebeck.


Chris Nicholson called the class back together leading 323b, Soft Music.
Leaders: 176b, The Good Physician - Robert Vaughn
95t, Farewell, Vain World - Robert Vaughn
200, With Songs and Honors (Edom) - Henry McGuire
140, Chicago - Henry McGuire
210, Minnesota - Kristie Powell
300, Calvary - Kristie Powell
282, I'm Going Home - Sherry Rousseau.
47b, Idumea - Sherry Rousseau.

Memorial Lesson: Elizabeth Stoddard made a few remarks and read the names of the sick and shut-ins: Curtis and Edith Owen, Myrl Jones, Azalea Barnett, Crystal Meadows, Concetta Branson, Dale Redmon, Marion Grant, Karen Rollins, Rick Foreman, Jane Goforth, Judy Whitting, Doug Webb, and Michael Webb. She led 444t, The Gospel Pool in their honor.
Robert Vaughn made a few comments and read the names of the deceased: Johnny and Delores Lee, Ruth Redmon, Gravis Ballinger, Toney and Lavoy Smith, Earlis McGraw, B. M. Smith, Geri Behrendt, and John and Lorraine Bayer - Sacred Harp singers and supporters; Mary Twomey - Burials in the Pine Grove Cemetery. He led 290, Alas! And Did My Saviour Bleed (Victoria) in their memory.
The memorial lesson closed with prayer by Gaylon Powell.

Leaders: 553, The Hill of Zion - Tammy Powell
95b, The Christian's Love - Tammy Powell
486, No Night on That Golden Shore - John Berendzen.

Dismissed for lunch, prayer was offered at the dinner tables.


Chris Nicholson called the class back together leading 32t, I'm Not Ashamed of Jesus (Corinth).
40, Blow Ye the Trumpet (Lenox).
Leaders: 532, O Jesus, Ever with Us Stay - Gaylon Powell
507b, The Glory of the Cross - David Rousseau
482, Amazing Love - Elizabeth Stoddard
463, Angel Band (Land of Beulah) - Lisa Matt
546, Farther On - Charles Whitmer
559, Will You Meet Me? - Eva Striebeck
544, My Eternal Home (Home) - Will McGuire
552, And Live Through Endless Day - Robert Vaughn
45t, Amazing Grace (New Britain) - Kristie Powell and Gloria Berendzen
73b, Soldiers of Christ (Arlington) - Kristie Powell and Gloria Berendzen
582, Long Ago, Comrades - Henry McGuire
478, March On - Tammy Powell
522, Shades of Night - John Berendzen
543, Consecration - Gaylon Powell
430, Land of Rest - David Rousseau
423, Grantville - Elizabeth Stoddard
461, Let Us Sing - Lisa Matt
393, I'm Wandering To and Fro - Charles Whitmer
273, Marthasville - Eva Striebeck
332, Sons of Sorrow - Robert Vaughn
63, Coronation - Kristie Powell and Gloria Berendzen
567, Child of Thine - Henry McGuire.
563, Jesus Is Mine - Henry McGuire.
After announcements, Chris Nicholson led 62, Parting Hand for the closing song.
The convention closed with prayer by Robert Vaughn.

Chairman—Chris Nicholson; Vice Chairman—John Berendzen; Secretary—Gaylon Powell.