Little Hope Christian Harmony Singing
Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church
Eoline, Bibb County, Alabama
Sunday, June 7, 2009
All selections from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing).
Billy Thompson called the class to order leading
281, (No song at that page no.).
Opening prayer offered by Doug Wyers.
Leaders were called as follows:
171, Sessions -
Jeff James
111t, Fleeting Days -
Jeff James
109, Not Made with Hands -
Doug Wyers
142, The Solid Rock -
Doug Wyers
143, Farther Along -
David Daniel
261t, Come Thou Fount -
David Daniel
120, Home in the Sky -
Ruth Wyers
121t, Prosperity -
Ruth Wyers
110, Volunteers - Margie Simmons
77, How Beautiful Heaven Must Be - Margie Simmons
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Luke Daniel
117, Angel Band -
Caitlin James
189, One by One -
Caitlin James
188t, He Loves Me -
Eddie Pierce.
55b, Idumea -
Eddie Pierce.
Billy Thompson resumed the class by leading
95, Canaan's Land.
130, (No song at that page no.).
The following singers were then called to lead:
178, That Beautiful Land -
Deborah Feaster
16, The Finest Flower -
Deborah Feaster
175, O How I Love Jesus -
Joe Belcher.
The 15 descendants of Barney Thompson present in the class led
179, Traveling On.
78, (No song at that page no.).
The class resumed as follows:
59t, Mear -
Doug Wyers (in memory of Art and Ann Deason)
63t, Condescension -
Robert DuPree.
293, Lenox -
Robert DuPree.
Recess for dinner.
Billy Thompson commenced the afternoon session by leading
289, Happy Land.
The following leaders were then called:
349, Redemption (First) -
Doug Wyers
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old - Tyrone Morris
85b, Mercy Seat - Tyrone Morris
324, Fair Fields of Eden - Tom Nelson
91, There is a Fountain - Tom Nelson
89, Northfield -
Ola Meadows
338b, Davis -
Ola Meadows
165, Babylon is Fallen -
Karen Daniel
264, Harwell -
Karen Daniel
325, (No song at that page no.) -
Ruth Wyers
214, Hosanna -
Dawson Dockery
281, (No song at that page no.) -
Dawson Dockery
239, (No song at that page no.) -
Harvey Dockery
149, A Good Time Coming -
Harvey Dockery
303, The Unclouded Day -
Eddie Pierce
287, Indian Convert -
Eddie Pierce
248, Twilight is Falling -
Caitlin James
131, Will You Meet Me? -
Caitlin James
204, (No song at that page no.) -
Doug Wyers (in memory of Benny Rigdon).
Announcements were made.
Billy Thompson led
23b, Evening Hymn, as the closing song.
Bro. Harvey Dockery closed the singing with prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff James, Secretary.