The 1st Lee Rogers Memorial Singing

Home of John and Elsie Hollingsworth
Ila, Madison County, Georgia

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The first annual session of the Lee Rogers Memorial Singing was called to order by Robert Kelley leading 23t, Phillippi from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing). John Hollingsworth offered the opening prayer.

Robert Kelley welcomed the singers and appointed John Hollingsworth and Judy Mincey to the memorial committee and Jane Spencer to the arranging committee. Leaders: 163t, Hollis - Michael Spencer
27t, Morning Worship - Shannon Primm
51, Lonsdale - John Hollingsworth
131, Will You Meet Me? - Mildred Chandler
56t, America - Bill Hollingsworth
142, The Solid Rock - Sue Bunch
54, My Trust - Eddie Mash
44b, Dunlap's Creek - Lela Crowder
55b, Idumea - Dan Huger (in memory of J. B. Parker)
143, Farther Along - Tony Hammock (in memory of his grandmother)
171, Sessions - Winston Stephens
205, The Watchman's Call - John Plunkett
189, One by One - Karen Clark
336t, Sweet Harmony - Gaylon Powell
   “Holy Hill” - Alexander Garden (an original tune)
64, Youthful Blessings - Morgan Bunch
117, Angel Band - Jackie Elsner.

In a brief business session, the current officers were re-elected: Robert Kelley, chairman; Michael Spencer, vice-chairman; and Shannon Primm, secretary.


Michael Spencer led 361, Solemn Thought to call the class back to order.
Leaders: 130t, Sacred Love - Mary Baumeister (for Ben Wiley)
253, Is It Far? - Don Clark (for Lee Rogers and Bertha Deason)
227, Majestic Rays - Nathan Rees
291, Warrenton - Darlene Reynolds
372, I Won't Turn Back - Andy Morse.

The Memorial Lesson: John Hollingsworth shared some personal comments about Lee Rogers, and Judy Mincey led 85b, Mercy Seat for Lee Rogers, John Etheridge, Paul King, Jimmy Denney, Frank Hataway, Ophelia Matthews, Dick Steil, Dutch Owen, Elder Gerald Hand, Adele Reed, and folksinger Mary Travers, all deceased; and Rodney Willard, Henry Vickers, Marsha Hedrick, Benny Walls, and Wanda Talley, all sick or shut in.


Robert Kelley called the class back to order leading 42, Joy Bells.
Leaders: 145b, Fiducia - Rachel Rudi
172, The Grand Highway - Jane Spencer
305, The Weary Soldier - Chris Wilhelm
163b, Burroughs - Michael Spencer
276, Worlds Beyond the Sky - Shannon Primm
369, Easter Anthem - John Hollingsworth
89, Northfield - Mildred Chandler
   “Macedonia” - Bill Hollingsworth (an original tune)
221t, Pleyel's Hymn - Sue Bunch
364, Redemption (Second) - Eddie Mash
128t, Hester - Lela Crowder
303, The Unclouded Day - Dan Huger
187, The Gospel Pool - Tony Hammock, for Wanda Talley
67b, Dundee - Winston Stephens
263, Autumn - John Plunkett.


To reconvene the class, Robert Kelley led 123, Rapturous Scene.
Leaders: 214, Hosanna - Karen Clark
230, (No song at that page no.) - Gaylon Powell
73b, Downs - Alexander Garden
43, The Heavenly Throng - Morgan Bunch
121t, Prosperity - Don Clark
66b, The Penitent's Prayer - Mary Baumeister
316, This Heavy Load - Nathan Rees
88, Pisgah - Rachel Rudi
41b, Ardor - Andy Morse
87, The Promised Land - Jackie Elsner
74, God's Helping Hand - Jane Spencer (for Jonathon Smith)
280t, Zion - Judy Mincey.

After announcements, in a brief business session, the class decided to sing from the new Christian Harmony edition next year, if available; if not, the Deason-Parris edition. Robert Kelley led 222b, St. Louis to close; John Hollingsworth offered the closing prayer. The class reconvened on the front porch for homemade ice cream.

Chairman—Robert Kelley; Vice Chairman—Michael Spencer; Secretary—Shannon Primm.