2nd New Year's Eve Singing at Ila

The Hollingsworths' Home
Ila, Madison County, Georgia

Monday, December 31, 2007

The Singing used The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition (tagged with `SH'),
The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing) (tagged with `AL'),
The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint) (tagged with `CHw'),
An Eclectic Harmony, Volume II, 2001 (tagged with `EH2') and
American Christmas Harp, 2nd? edition (tagged with `ACH').

1st session: "Alabama" Christian Harmony

John Hollingsworth opened the singing with
24t, Volusia
and welcomed the singers.
372, I Won't Turn Back - Bill Hollingsworth
142, The Solid Rock - Roger Keane
23b, Evening Hymn - Michael Spencer
85b, Mercy Seat - Dan Huger
214, Hosanna - Sue Bunch
154, Happy Time - Chris Wilhelm
255, Watchman (Second) - Judy Mincey
368, Stubborn Heart - Robert Kelley
64, Youthful Blessings - John Plunkett
194, O Happy Day - Stephanie Tingler
306, Middlebury - Lee Rogers
117, Angel Band - Emily Rolka
61t, North Carolina - Mary Baumeister
49, Forever with the Lord - Morgan Bunch
171, Sessions - Nick Gambrell
131, Will You Meet Me? - Jonathon Smith

Break - and Reprinting meeting

2nd session: Sacred Harp

138t, Adoration - John Hollingsworth
236, Easter Anthem - Bill Hollingsworth
47t, Primrose - Roger Keane
207, Louisiana - Michael Spencer
254, Rose of Sharon - Dan Huger
102, Fulfillment - Sue Bunch
101t, Canaan's Land - Chris Wilhelm
86, Poland - Judy Mincey
225b, Christmas Anthem - Robert Kelley
453, Holly Springs - John Plunkett, for Charlene's sister
26, Samaria - Stephanie Tingler
485, New Agatite - Morgan Bunch
128, The Promised Land - Emily Rolka
271t, Arkansas - Mary Baumeister
47b, Idumea - Henry Rolka
424, Sweet Union - Lee Rogers
340, Odem (Second) - Jonathon Smith

Break - Announcements

3rd session: Leader's Choice (tags as described above)

460 (SH), Sardis - John Hollingsworth
26 (EH2), The Angels' Song - Lee Rogers
146 (SH), Hallelujah - Bill Hollingsworth
261t (AL), Come Thou Fount - Roger Keane
30b (AL), Dennis - Michael Spencer
66 (EH2), Ten Thousand Charms - Dan Huger
75 (ACH), Redemption - Sue Bunch and Morgan Bunch
189t (CHw), Holden - Chris Wilhelm
12 (EH2), Paradise - Judy Mincey
146b (CHw), Bangor - Robert Kelley
35b (EH2), Dundee - John Plunkett
68 (EH2), Oak Grove
35 (SH), Saints Bound for Heaven - Stephanie Tingler
78 (ACH), The Babe of Bethlehem - Jonathon Smith
119 (ACH), Convoy - Morgan Bunch
51 (AL), Lonsdale - John Hollingsworth for Ken George
162 (SH), Plenary

Dismissal: John Plunkett

Arranger: Lee Rogers
Minutes: Mary Baumeister and Dan Huger

Thanks again to John and Elsie for their gracious hospitality!