Our Christian Harmony mailing list

We have an email mailing-list christian-harmony, running as a Google Group. A member sends email to the list, all members receive a copy (by email).

The list is primarily for communication within the singing communities that this website serves. For example, it may be used for late-breaking, or perhaps urgent, messages (e.g. “There will be no singing tomorrow!”).

That said, any topic consistent with the purposes of this website is welcome.

In its early days, the list will be (lightly?) moderated (by Will Partain).


How to join the mailing-list ('subscribe')

If you click on the link for the group, BE AWARE: Google will be as unhelpful as possible. If you are logged in with a Google (gmail) account, it will offer you a form to fill in for a subscription (which should work). If you aren't using a Google account, it will just say 'Content Unavailable' and offer no way forward.

The most likely-to-succeed way to join the list is to send email to christian-harmony+subscribe@googlegroups.com. Any subject (or none), any "message" (or none).

You should get an email reply, asking you to confirm you subscription. Please do what it says.

You may then be told your subscription is 'pending'. If you're not a spammer, you'll be approved.

Reading the mailing-list messages

The normal thing will be: You'll get the list messages in your email.

If you have a Google account associated with your subscription address (e.g. any gmail.com address), you may view all list messages (new and old) by browsing to https://groups.google.com/g/christian-harmony/.

Writing to everyone on the mailing list

Just send your message to christian-harmony@googlegroups.com.

At the moment, it needs to be `approved'. Only in the rarest cases will it not be.

How to get off the mailing-list ('unsubscribe')

Just send an email message to christian-harmony+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. Any subject (or none), any "message" (or none).

Asking Will Partain to remove you from the list is also fine.

Privacy matters re the mailing-list

If you send email to the mailing-list, your email address will be seen by the other members. Your address will otherwise not be seen (except by a list manager, currently Will Partain).

Don't post anything to the mailing list that you wouldn't want on a billboard beside the freeway (i.e. normal Internet precautions).

Any problems with the mailing-list?

Any problems? Please contact Will Partain; the webmaster address at the bottom of the page should be fine.