The 13th Georgia State Christian Harmony Convention

Poplar Springs Primitive Baptist Church
Bowdon, Carroll County, Georgia

Saturday, December 7, 2024 and Sunday, December 8, 2024

All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

Saturday, December 7

The 13th Georgia State Christian Harmony Convention was called to order by Jane Cannon leading 255, Watchman (Second).
Judy Mincey offered the opening prayer.

72t, Jordan - David Smead
131, Will You Meet Me? - Abigail Cannon
50, Cranbrook - Judy Mincey
316, This Heavy Load - Danny Creel
64, Youthful Blessings - Esther Morgan-Ellis
117, Angel Band - Lisa Bennett
43, The Heavenly Throng - Henry McGuire
168b, Sunrise - Shawn Taylor
339, Samanthra - Ken Tate
247, Oh! How Charming - Erin Fulton
17, Call to Arms - Andy Ditzler
67t, Peterboro - Tim Gregg
25t, Santee - Dave Farmer
432b, Fish Pond - David Brodeur
264, Harwell - Ann Jett (for Wanda Capps)
71, The Peaceful Shore - Tom George
97, The Guiding Star - Calum Woods
355, Homeward Bound - Morgan Bunch
534, Angels Singing - John Plunkett
171, Sessions - Cooper Sandefur
354, Summer - Gail Doss.


Jane Cannon called the class back to order with 107, Resignation (First).

105t, Tender Care - Cassie Allen
26b, Ninety-Third - Sheri Taylor and Laura Frey
54, My Trust - Cindy Tanner
479, Triumph - David Smead
308, The Happy Time - Abigail Cannon
547, Higher Ground - Judy Mincey
336t, Sweet Harmony - Danny Creel
198, News From The Skies - Esther Morgan-Ellis
61t, North Carolina - Lisa Bennett
1, Weary Rest - Henry McGuire
123, Rapturous Scene - Shawn Taylor
121t, Prosperity - Ken Tate
55t, Carolina - Erin Fulton
15, My Consolation - Andy Ditzler
162, Redeemed Singers - Tim Gregg
346, Star in the East - Dave Farmer.


Jane Cannon brought the class back to order with 14, I'll Serve My Lord.
172, The Grand Highway - David Brodeur
149, A Good Time Coming - Ann Jett
543, Chase High Road - Tom George
315, David's Victory - Calum Woods
459t, All-Saints - Morgan Bunch
546b, Oak Grove - John Plunkett
157, Hallelujah - Cooper Sandefur
509t, Break of Day - Gail Doss and Erin Fulton
322, Among that Band - Cindy Tanner
548, Macedonia - Cassie Allen
57, Salvation's Rock - Jane Cannon
521, Darwell - David Smead
167b, Come Along - Abigail Cannon
397b, Bedan - Judy Mincey
258, Thorny Desert - Danny Creel
235, Faithful Soldier - Esther Morgan-Ellis
347, Portuguese Hymn - Lisa Bennett
394, Stubborn Heart - Henry McGuire
143, Farther Along - Shawn Taylor
490, Creation (Second) - Ken Tate
101, An Address for All - Erin Fulton
192, The Penitent - Andy Ditzler
170, On My Way - Tim Gregg
544, Life's Troubles - Dave Farmer
19, The Day of Days - David Brodeur.


Jane Cannon brought the class with 510b, Invitation.
51, Lonsdale - Ann Jett
212, Christian Prospect - Calum Woods
133, Juniata - Morgan Bunch
85, Mercy Seat - Cooper Sandefur
87, The Promised Land - Gail Doss
180, The Sinless Summerland - Cindy Tanner
203, Cumberland - Cassie Allen
345, The Shepherd's Star - Stefani Priskos.
210b, Contented Soldier - Stefani Priskos.
Jane Cannon led 13, Traveler's Hope, as the closing song.
Judy Mincey offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, December 8

Jane Cannon brought the class to order with 9, Cords of Love.
386, Spartanburg - David Smead
398b, Gerar - Judy Mincey
326, Royal Proclamation - Danny Creel
443, Christmas - Lisa Bennett
410t, Weeping Saviour - Henry McGuire
219, Rapture (First) - Stefani Priskos
31t, Home - Cindy Tanner
546t, The Holy Spirit - Shawn Taylor
163t, Hollis - Andy Ditzler
96, Mighty Love - Ann Jett
494, Hingham - Tim Gregg
208b, French Broad - David Brodeur
119, Weary Souls - Gail Doss and Andy Ditzler
486t, Retreat - Morgan Bunch
Dave Farmer led the class in singing Happy Birthday for John Plunkett, then led 487, Chester
509b, The Good Shepherd - John Plunkett
247, Oh! How Charming - Stanley Smith
218b, Harmony - Tom George
59t, Mear - Shane Brown
55b, Idumea - Sheri Taylor and Laura Frey
292, Grief of Love - Cassie Allen
114, That Glorious Day - Calum Woods.


Jane Cannon brought the class together with 262, Collins.
336t, Sweet Harmony - Jesse P. Karlsberg
166, What Can I Do? - Ken Tate
186, Lord Remember Me - Lauren Bock
1, Weary Rest - Maddy Mullany and Marshall Brown and Saige Hopkins.

Calum Woods led the Memorial Lesson. He spoke about the importance of doing what we can to comfort those who are in need. He read the list of names of the sick and shut-in: Michael Spencer, Shannon Primm, Wanda Capps, John Hollingsworth, Elsie Hollingsworth, Bill Hollingsworth, Patrick Coughlan, Judith Hey, Lucy Heidorn, Don Bowen. Calum Woods led 507b, Sicily, for the sick and shut-in.
The list of the deceased: Scott Swanton—North Carolina, Wm Ralph Paris—Kentucky, John Smead—Missouri. Calum Woods led 202, Immensity, for the deceased and closed the Memorial Lesson with prayer.

288, Morris - Jane Cannon
155, Solemn Call - David Smead
479, Triumph - Judy Mincey
110, Volunteers - Danny Creel
513, Lakeland - Lisa Bennett
176, Heavenly Treasures - Henry McGuire
43, The Heavenly Throng - Stefani Priskos
255, Watchman (Second) - Morgan Bunch
510t, Aberdeen - Tim Gregg.


Jane Cannon brought the class back to order leading 54, My Trust.
82b, Gospel Waves - Cindy Tanner and Jamey Wootten
109, Not Made with Hands - Shawn Taylor
320, Longing for the Day - Andy Ditzler and Tom George
338b, Davis - Ann Jett
16, The Finest Flower - David Brodeur
91, There is a Fountain - Gail Doss
446, Damascus - John Plunkett
8, Creation (First) - Tom George
339, Samanthra - Shane Brown
332, Babylonian Captivity - Stanley Smith
136, Sherburne - Laura Frey and Sheri Taylor
191, Oh! Turn, Sinner - Calum Woods
63b, Pardoning Love - Jesse P. Karlsberg (for John Hollingsworth)
307, True Happiness - Cassie Allen
493b, Day-Star - Ken Tate
149, A Good Time Coming - Lauren Bock
486t, Retreat - Maddy Mullany
17, Call to Arms - Marshall Brown.
Committee reports were given.
342, Blest Morn - Stanley Smith and Cindy Tanner
178, That Beautiful Land - Gail Doss and Judy Mincey
258, Thorny Desert - Ann Jett and Danny Creel
23b, Evening Hymn - Sheri Taylor and Laura Frey
265, Mourner's Lamentation - Stefani Priskos and Calum Woods
138, Rest in the Kingdom - Lauren Bock and Jesse P. Karlsberg
313, Bruce's Address - David Brodeur and Shawn Taylor
117, Angel Band - Shane Brown and Jamey Wootten
44b, Dunlap's Creek - Lisa Bennett and David Smead
3, Christmas Morning - Tom George and Andy Ditzler
215, In That Morning - Maddy Mullany and Saige Hopkins
81b, Eternal Joys - Cassie Allen and Ken Tate.

After announcements, Jane Cannon led 11, Minister's Farewell, as the closing song.
Judy Mincey offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Jane Cannon; Vice Chairman—David Smead; Secretary—Maddy Mullany; Treasurer—Michael Spencer; Locating Committee—Shannon Primm; Arranging—Cassie Allen; Keying—Ken Tate, Shawn Taylor, Andy Ditzler, Calum Woods, Tom George, Jesse P. Karlsberg.

Minutes recorded and submitted by Abigail Cannon and David Smead.