Rusk County Singing Convention, 15th Year
Old Pine Grove Church
Henderson, Rusk County, Texas
Saturday, April 22, 2023 and Sunday, April 23, 2023
The Rusk County Singing Convention met for the 15th year on the Saturday before the fourth
Sunday in April at Old Pine Grove Church near Henderson, Texas. The
tune book for Saturday was
The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book), 2012 Revision.
Chairman Chris Nicholson called the class to order
49t, Old Hundred.
Elder Robert Vaughn offered the opening prayer.
A business meeting was held and the following officers were elected: Chairman—Henry McGuire; Vice-Chairman—Joseph Sherer; Secretary—Gaylon Powell.
49b, Will God Forever Cast Us Off? (Mear) -
Henry McGuire
563, Jesus Is Mine -
Henry McGuire
540, She Is Sleeping -
Joseph Sherer
277, Antioch -
Joseph Sherer
171, Exhortation -
Gaylon Powell
272, Exhortation -
Gaylon Powell
142, Stratfield -
Robert Vaughn
203, Florida -
Robert Vaughn
140, Chicago -
Emily Brown
86, Guiding Spirit -
Emily Brown
336t, Hester - Ivy Hauser
54t, Palmetto - Ivy Hauser
399, The Dying Boy -
Charlie McGuire
442t, Blooming Youth -
Charlie McGuire
404, He Died on the Cross -
Danny Creel.
98, Glory Shone Around -
Danny Creel.
300, Calvary -
Henry McGuire
27, Bethel -
Kerry Cullinan
273, Marthasville -
Kerry Cullinan
138t, Song to the Lamb -
Eva Striebeck
309, Living Lamb -
Eva Striebeck
573, Trusting Jesus -
Cindy Tanner
230, Reverential Anthem -
Cindy Tanner
152, Bruce's Address -
Regina Derstine
45b, Supplication -
Regina Derstine
503, That Beautiful Land On High -
Ann Jett
515, When the Lord Shall Come for Me -
Ann Jett
83t, Vale of Sorrow - Lloyd Wright
48t, Devotion - Lloyd Wright
514, Wiley -
Kristie Powell.
133, John 4:14 -
Kristie Powell.
Chris Nicholson asked the blessing for the noon meal.
464, Hocutt -
Henry McGuire
122, All Is Well - Margaret Wright
380t, Nettie - Margaret Wright
212, Sharon -
Chris Nicholson and
Charity Vaughn
522, Shades of Night -
Chris Nicholson and
Charity Vaughn
478, March On - Elijah Wright
277, Antioch - Elijah Wright
28b, Life Is the Time to Serve the Lord (Wells) -
Kerry Cullinan
38t, Sessions -
Kerry Cullinan and
Chris Nicholson
470, There We Our Jesus Shall Adore (Sardis) - April Wright
38b, The Road to Life and Death (Windham) - April Wright
210, Minnesota -
Eva Striebeck
355, Hinder Me Not -
Danny Creel
386, Carry Me Home -
Charlie McGuire
414, Morning Sun -
Cindy Tanner
543, Consecration -
Regina Derstine.
582, Long Ago, Comrades -
Henry McGuire
39, Eden of Love -
Ann Jett
99, Gospel Trumpet -
Joseph Sherer
521, A Golden Crown to Wear -
Robert Vaughn
106, Ecstacy -
Emily Brown
546, Farther On - Elijah Wright
95t, Farewell, Vain World - Ivy Hauser
571, Not Made With Hands - Jeanie Noble
497, The Bitter Cup -
Kristie Powell
491, Closer Walk With God - Lloyd Wright
30b, Prospect -
Chris Nicholson and
Charity Vaughn
192, Schenectady - Margaret Wright
244, Joyful News (Resignation) -
Gaylon Powell
282, I'm Going Home - April Wright.
Henry McGuire appointed Chris Nicholson and Emily Brown to serve on the memorial committee. After announcements, Henry McGuire led 62, Parting Hand for the closing song. Robert Vaughn led the closing prayer.
Sunday, April 23
The Sunday session of the convention was held in conjunction with the Pine Grove Cemetery Homecoming. The tune book for Sunday was The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition. Henry McGuire led 204t, What a Day for the opening song. The opening prayer was offered by Elder Robert Vaughn.
51, Lonsdale -
Henry McGuire
64, Youthful Blessings -
Gaylon Powell
155, Solemn Call -
Gaylon Powell
507b, Sicily -
Chris Nicholson
50, Cranbrook -
Chris Nicholson
138, Rest in the Kingdom -
Kristie Powell
332, Babylonian Captivity -
Kristie Powell
60, What Did He Do? -
Robert Vaughn
303, The Unclouded Day -
Robert Vaughn
255, Watchman (Second) -
Emily Brown
55, (No song at that page no.) -
Emily Brown
346, Star in the East -
Regina Derstine
193, Kay -
Regina Derstine
59b, Dove of Peace -
Ann Jett
338b, Davis -
Ann Jett
337, To Die No More -
Charlie McGuire
331, A Home in Heaven -
Charlie McGuire
544, Life's Troubles -
Eva Striebeck
546b, Oak Grove -
Eva Striebeck
493b, Day-Star -
Cindy Tanner
85, Mercy Seat -
Cindy Tanner
67b, Dundee -
Kerry Cullinan.
67t, Peterboro -
Kerry Cullinan.
432b, Fish Pond -
Henry McGuire
186, Lord Remember Me -
Danny Creel
316, This Heavy Load -
Danny Creel
486t, Retreat - Sonya Kirkham
189, One by One - Sonya Kirkham
13, Traveler's Hope - Ivy Hauser
362, Shining Light - Ivy Hauser
82t, Lady, Touch Thy Harp Again -
Charity Vaughn.
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Charity Vaughn.
The memorial lesson was held at this time. Chris Nicholson made some
opening comments. Emily Brown made some comments
concerning the sick and shut-ins, and read the list of names:
Uschi Nolte,
Janie Short,
Tammy Powell,
Kevin Powell,
Norma Dickerson,
Mary Ellen Wilkinson,
Ruth and Carrone Bryant,
Wanda Capps, and
Lucy Heidorn. She then led
142, The Solid Rock.
Chris Nicholson made some comments the deceased, and
read the list of names:
Charlotte Powell,
Cheryl Foreman,
Curtis Jones,
Sue Batson,
Beverly Nelms—Texas;
Norma Green,
Marlon Wootten,
Boyd Scott,
Claudene Townson,
Juanita Beasley—Alabama;
Pete Sutherland—Vermont;
Maria Tienda,
Allen Dulaney,
Patricia Gossett—Recent burials at Pine Grove Cemetery.
He then led
76b, Night.
The memorial lesson closed with prayer by Elder Robert Vaughn.
117, Angel Band -
Natalie Fletcher
113, The Converted Thief -
Natalie Fletcher
31t, Home -
Emily Brown
36t, Lovely Vine - Ivy Hauser.
Gaylon Powell asked the blessing for the noon meal.
Henry McGuire called singers back leading
208b, French Broad.
Discussion was held,
and a decision was made to form a non-profit organization to take over
and oversee the renovation and upkeep of the building.
172, The Grand Highway -
Henry McGuire
548, Macedonia -
Kristie Powell
417, (No song at that page no.) -
Kerry Cullinan
307, True Happiness -
Danny Creel
308, The Happy Time -
Regina Derstine
353, Bower of Prayer - Joan Smith
58b, Primrose - Joan Smith
149, A Good Time Coming -
Ann Jett
354, Summer -
Eva Striebeck
131, Will You Meet Me? -
Cindy Tanner
448t, Suffield -
Charlie McGuire
128t, Hester - Sonya Kirkham
105b, Hamburg -
Chris Nicholson and
Charity Vaughn
109, Not Made with Hands -
Natalie Fletcher
82b, Gospel Waves -
Robert Vaughn
264, Harwell -
Gaylon Powell.
After some announcements, Henry McGuire and Chris Nicholson led 549b, The Drone for the closing song. Elder Robert Vaughn led the closing prayer.
Chairman—Henry McGuire; Vice Chairman—Joseph Sherer; Secretary—Gaylon Powell.