Raymond Hamrick Memorial Singing (Georgian Harmony)

Roberta Civic Center
Roberta, Crawford County, Georgia

Saturday, June 11, 2022

All selections from The Georgian Harmony, 2nd ed., 2012.

The 7th session of the Raymond Hamrick Memorial Singing (The Georgian Harmony) was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in June at the Roberta Civic Center. Oscar McGuire called the class to order leading 11, Desolation.
9, Now for a Tune.
Wayne Watson offered the morning prayer.

A short business session was held with the following elected as officers: Chairman—Oscar McGuire; Vice Chairman—Bill DuPre; Secretary—Helen Bryson.

152, John - John Plunkett
153, Oxford - Lisa Bennett
94, Bradford - Helen Bryson
95, Harbor - David Smead
1, Advent - Bert Collins
2, Heavens Rejoice - Glenda Collins
33, Dalton - Mary Brownlee and Wayne Watson
15, Admonition - Michael Spencer
187, Warning - Bill DuPre
43, Evening Devotion - Chris Robinson
54, John 3:37 - Martha Harrell
25, Humility - Rosemund Watson
105, Nidrah - Jerusha Wheeler
14, In Mercy Lord - Ellen Fournier
26, Andrew's Chapel - Beverly Dayton.


Oscar McGuire called the class to order leading 49, Mount Carmel.

On behalf of the Sacred Harp Publishing Company a citation was awarded posthumously to Harry Eskew recognizing his many contributions and unfailing support of the Sacred Harp tradition. John Plunkett listed the qualifications required for the citation and Mrs. Margaret Eskew, Harry's wife, accepted the citation. John Plunkett then led 8, Calvary's Mountain, as one of Harry's favorite songs.

198, Majestic - Lisa Bennett
108, Invocation - Helen Bryson
224, Worsham - David Smead (for his recently deceased uncle)
119, Twenty Third - Bert Collins
225, Robinson - Glenda Collins
107, Emmaus - Mary Brownlee and Wayne Watson
22, Adoration - Stephen Hammock.
John Plunkett offered the lunch blessing.


Bill DuPre called the class to order leading 182, Destiny.
233, An Easter Song - Michael Spencer
177, Belmont - Bill DuPre
110, Suppliant - Chris Robinson
109, Lloyd - Martha Harrell
13, Shepherd - Rosemund Watson
228, Webb - Jerusha Wheeler
87, Sojourn - Beth Hagues
19, Decatur - Ellen Fournier
34, Christmas Anthem - Beverly Dayton
203, Oak Grove - John Plunkett
249, A Round in 7's - Lisa Bennett
50, Celebration - Helen Bryson
210, Homage - David Smead
202, Attribution - Bert Collins
29, Lloyd's Doxology - Glenda Collins
16, Boston Common - David Smead (for Mary Brownlee)
116, Liberty Hill - Oscar McGuire and Stephen Hammock
208, Ila - Michael Spencer
176, Dawning - Bill DuPre
171, Iberia - Chris Robinson
90, The Stork Carol - Ellen Fournier and Beverly Dayton
148, Milton - Beverly Dayton
51, Pilgrim - Oscar McGuire and Beth Hagues.
Announcements were made.

Oscar McGuire led 255, Christian Farewell, as the closing song.
Elder Chris Robinson offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Oscar McGuire; Vice Chairman—Bill DuPre; Secretary—Helen Bryson.