The 19th Calvary-Fletcher Singing

Calvary Episcopal Church
Fletcher, Henderson County, North Carolina

Saturday, June 11, 2022

All selections from The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 2015 Folk Heritage reprint).

Dan Huger welcomed the group and opened the class with
61t, North Carolina.
Andy Morse gave the opening prayer.
47t, Shirland - Mary Baumeister
169b, Devotion (First) - Chris Wilhelm
235, Faithful Soldier - Willie Israel
115b, It Is I - Jeff Farr
249t, Green Fields - Phil Perrin
381C, Twilight is Falling - Leslie Booher
103b, Fish Pond - Andy Morse
51, Lonsdale - Diane Eskenasy
161b, De Beza - Judy Mincey
208b, French Broad - Dan Huger


150t, Salvation - Mary Baumeister
360, The Saints Bound for Heaven - Chris Wilhelm
48, Mount Helicon - Jeff Farr
264, Harwell - Phil Perrin
164t, Convict - Leslie Booher
169t, All-Saints - Andy Morse
89b, Northfield - Diane Eskenasy
30t, Bedan - Judy Mincey
49, Forever with the Lord - Dan Huger
73t, Ella's Song - Mary Baumeister
102b, Fleeting Days - Chris Wilhelm
299, Green Meadows - Willie Israel
171t, Sessions - Jeff Farr
88, Pisgah - Phil Perrin
67b, Dundee - Dan Huger, as the Grace for lunch.


343, Tell the Story - Andy Morse
77t, Rockingham (First) - Leslie Booher
339, Samanthra - Diane Eskenasy
47b, Dartmouth - Judy Mincey
185b, Corinth - Dan Huger
178t, Pilesgrove - Mary Baumeister
143t, Coleshill - Chris Wilhelm
170b, Bohemia - Willie Israel
214, Hosanna - Jeff Farr
117, Angel Band - Phil Perrin
80t, Caddo - Leslie Booher
195, Garden - Andy Morse
194t, Chester - Diane Eskenasy


133, Juniata - Judy Mincey
165b, Rockbridge - Dan Huger
287, Indian Convert - Mary Baumeister, by request
219b, Day-Star - Chris Wilhelm
148, Leander - Willie Israel
269t, Restoration - Jeff Farr
289b, Happy Land - Phil Perrin
146b, Bangor - Leslie Booher
198, Creation - Andy Morse
157, Hallelujah - Diane Eskenasy
50, Cranbrook - Judy Mincey


Dan Huger led 200b, Parting Hand, as the closing song.
Phil Perrin gave the closing prayer.

Minutes: Mary Baumeister

2022 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
June 2022

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