10th? Annual Rusk County Singing Convention
Old Pine Grove Church
Henderson, Rusk County, Texas
Saturday, April 21, 2018 and Sunday, April 22, 2018
Saturday, April 21
The 10th annual Rusk County Singing met Saturday before the fourth
Sunday in April at Old Pine Grove Church near Henderson, Texas. The
tune book for Saturday was The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition. With the absence of
the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, John Berendzen, called the class to
order leading
26b, Ninety-Third.
Gaylon Powell offered the opening prayer.
A business session was held and the following officers were elected: Chairman—John Berendzen; Vice Chairman—Cheryl Foreman; Secretary—Gaylon Powell.
472, (No song at that page no.) -
John Berendzen
264, Harwell -
Cheryl Foreman
75, Sprague -
Cheryl Foreman
332, Babylonian Captivity -
Gaylon Powell
155, Solemn Call -
Gaylon Powell
74, God's Helping Hand -
Robert Vaughn
146t, Solemn Warning -
Robert Vaughn
67b, Dundee -
Chris Nicholson
67t, Peterboro -
Chris Nicholson
81t, Maitland -
Janie Short
255, Watchman (Second) -
Janie Short
258, Thorny Desert -
Robert Stoddard.
206, Prayer Meeting -
Robert Stoddard.
John Berendzen called the class back leading
261t, Come Thou Fount.
322, Among that Band -
Henry McGuire
168, (No song at that page no.) -
Henry McGuire
138, Rest in the Kingdom -
Kristie Powell
548, Macedonia -
Kristie Powell
507t, Union -
Eva Striebeck, for Chris Brown
70b, Brown -
Eva Striebeck, for Chris Brown
50, Cranbrook -
Ron Trial
172, The Grand Highway -
Ron Trial
189, One by One -
Sonny Erwin
76b, Night -
Sonny Erwin
103, Derrick -
Ellen Ray
105t, Tender Care -
Ellen Ray
442, Lanesboro -
Elizabeth Stoddard.
399t, Lockport -
Elizabeth Stoddard.
Dismissed for lunch, Sonny Erwin asked the blessing for the noon meal.
John Berendzen called the class back to order leading
142, The Solid Rock.
He then appointed the memorial committee: Lisa Matt and Kristie Powell.
283, Willowby -
Rick Foreman
509b, The Good Shepherd -
Rick Foreman
143, Farther Along - Nancy Price
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old - Nancy Price
336t, Sweet Harmony -
Kerry Cullinan
356, Morning Song -
Kerry Cullinan
19, The Day of Days -
Tammy Powell
64, Youthful Blessings -
Tammy Powell
16, The Finest Flower -
Lisa Matt
432b, Fish Pond -
Lisa Matt
539, Rest for the Weary -
Mike Hinton
544, Life's Troubles -
Eva Striebeck
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Robert Stoddard
459t, All-Saints -
Ron Trial.
Cheryl Foreman called the class back to order leading
498, Hendon.
133, Juniata -
Elizabeth Stoddard
362, Shining Light -
Kerry Cullinan
82b, Gospel Waves -
Henry McGuire
418b, Union Vale -
John Berendzen
158, The Land of Rest -
Janie Short
31t, Home -
Mike Hinton
228, Pass Me Not - Nancy Price
421b, Caddo -
Tammy Powell
49, Forever with the Lord -
Cheryl Foreman
117, Angel Band -
Lisa Matt
256, (No song at that page no.) -
Kristie Powell
203, Cumberland -
Ellen Ray
214, Hosanna -
Sonny Erwin
490, Creation (Second) -
Chris Nicholson
493b, Day-Star -
Gaylon Powell
221b, Poor, Weak, and Worthless -
Robert Vaughn.
John Berendzen led 549t, The Christian's Farewell for the closing song. The singing was closed with prayer by Robert Stoddard.
Sunday, April 22
The Sunday session of the convention was held in conjunction with the
Pine Grove Cemetery Homecoming.
The tune book for Sunday was The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book), 2012 Revision.
John Berendzen called the class to
order leading
39, Eden of Love.
Rick Foreman offered the opening prayer.
105t, Saint Paul -
John Berendzen
106, Ecstacy -
Cheryl Foreman
101b, Holy City -
Cheryl Foreman
510, Miller -
Gaylon Powell
482, Amazing Love -
Gaylon Powell
357, God's Eternal (Complaint) -
Robert Vaughn
383, Eternal Day -
Robert Vaughn
127, Green Fields -
David Rousseau
283, (No song at that page no.) -
David Rousseau
505, Cleansing Fountain -
Janie Short
99, Gospel Trumpet -
Janie Short
201, Pilgrim - Will McGuire
268b, Texas - Will McGuire
558, I'll Praise My Master - Kim Vaughn
528b, Peaceful Shore - Kim Vaughn
50t, Consolation - Carole Watts
559, Will You Meet Me? - Carole Watts
567, Child of Thine -
Mike Hinton
400, Struggle On -
Mike Hinton
591, Sweet Reunion -
Elizabeth Stoddard
150, The Spiritual Sailor -
Elizabeth Stoddard
361, Loving Jesus - Nancy Price.
573, Trusting Jesus - Nancy Price.
John Berendzen called the class back together leading
451, Rock of Ages (Toplady).
273, Marthasville -
Kristie Powell
514, Wiley -
Kristie Powell
373, Weeping Peter - Don Ross
390, New Prospect - Don Ross
344, We'll Meet Beyond the Grave -
Kerry Cullinan
199, City of Light -
Kerry Cullinan
38t, Sessions -
Eva Striebeck
572, We Will Sing with Angels There -
Eva Striebeck
282, I'm Going Home -
Lisa Matt
59t, Lord Revive Us (Holy Manna) -
Lisa Matt
176b, The Good Physician -
Robert Stoddard
133, John 4:14 -
Robert Stoddard
522, Shades of Night -
Henry McGuire.
518, Love At Home -
Henry McGuire.
Memorial Lesson: Kristie Powell made a few remarks and read the list of names of the sick and shut ins: Landis and Charlotte Powell, Curtis Owen, Myrl Jones, Azalea Barnett, Max Berendzen, Chris Brown, Lynne DeBenedette, Cath Tyler, and Mary Stanley. Lisa Matt led 444t, The Gospel Pool in their honor.
Kristie Powell made few remarks concerning those that passed away in the past year, and read the list of names: Sacred Harp singers and supporters—Edith Owen, Jane Goforth, Hugh McGraw, Mary Frank Dunn, T. J. Funderburk, Frank Price, Amy Denison, Louise Holland, Susie Denson, Gene Wootten, Steve Helwig, Daphine Causey, Floy Wilder, Eloise Wootten, Maurice Trial, Darrell Swarens, Berkley Moore, Rila Mae Cullinan, and Peter Nichols; Burial in Pine Grove Cemetery—Mary Gossett. Lisa Matt led 587, Nearer, My God, To Thee (Bethany) in their memory. The memorial lesson closed with prayer by Elder Robert Vaughn. The noon prayer was offered at the dinner tables.
Sonny Erwin called singers back leading
464, Hocutt.
569, He Leads Me All the Way.
546, Farther On -
Ellen Ray and Nancy Burgett
392, Little Pilgrim -
Ellen Ray and Nancy Burgett
461, Let Us Sing -
Ron Trial
91, Assurance -
Ron Trial
112, The Last Words of Copernicus -
Diane Ross
450, Leaning on Jesus' Breast -
Diane Ross
137, Liberty -
Tammy Powell
142, Stratfield -
Tammy Powell
96, Mercy Seat -
Chris Nicholson
264, (No song at that page no.) -
Chris Nicholson
463, Angel Band (Land of Beulah) -
Natalie Fletcher
401, Cuba -
Natalie Fletcher
393, I'm Wandering To and Fro -
Kerry Cullinan
449, Beautiful River -
Eva Striebeck
478, March On -
Robert Stoddard
486, No Night on That Golden Shore -
Henry McGuire
120, The Lord Jehovah Reigns (Chambers) - Nancy Price
172, Harmony -
Elizabeth Stoddard
107, Martin -
Ron Trial
270, Confidence -
Mike Hinton
384, Longing for Heaven (Panting for Heaven) -
Janie Short
47t, Salvation, O the Joyful Sound (Primrose) -
Chris Nicholson
140, Chicago -
Kristie Powell
98, Glory Shone Around -
Ellen Ray
54t, Palmetto -
Lisa Matt
222, Ocean -
Tammy Powell
123b, Cross of Christ - Don Ross.
After announcements were made, John Berendzen led 62, Parting Hand for the closing song. Elizabeth Stoddard offered the closing prayer.
Chairman—John Berendzen; Vice Chairman—Cheryl Foreman; Secretary—Gaylon Powell.