The 15th Annual Mountain View Shape Note Gathering

Old Mountain View High School
Mountain View, Stone County, Arkansas

Saturday, July 7, 2018

The all-day singing segment of the 15th Annual Shape Note Gathering was held at the Old Mountain View High School in Mountain View, Arkansas. The books that were used were:
The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition (songs tagged `SH') and
Missouri Harmony (tagged `MH') for the first and third hour, and
The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition (tagged `CH10') for the second and fourth hour.

Dan Brittain called the singing to order leading 31b (SH), Webster.
The morning prayer was offered by Andrew Albers. Leaders: 440 (SH), North Salem - Gaylon Powell
186 (SH), Sherburne - Charley Sandage
406 (SH), New Harmony - Andrew Albers
13 (MH), St. Martins - Cory Winters
77t (SH), The Child of Grace - Mark Davis
143 (SH), Pleyel's Hymn (First) - Linda Funderburk
99 (SH), Gospel Trumpet - Lisa Davis
268 (SH), David's Lamentation - David Johnson
34 (MH), Amanda - P. Dan Brittain
78 (MH), Babylonian Captivity - Gaylon Powell
136 (SH), Morality - Charley Sandage
479 (SH), Chester - Andrew Albers
481 (SH), Novakoski - Cory Winters
480 (SH), Redemption - Mark Davis
39t (SH), Detroit - Linda Funderburk
178 (SH), Africa - Lisa Davis
159 (SH), Wondrous Love - David Johnson
171 (SH), Exhortation (First) - P. Dan Brittain.


Gaylon Powell brought the class back together leading 206 (CH10), Prayer Meeting.
Leaders: 22t (CH10), Laban - Charley Sandage
133 (CH10), Juniata - Andrew Albers
135 (CH10), Raymond - Cory Winters
101 (CH10), An Address for All - Mark Davis
109 (CH10), Not Made with Hands - Linda Funderburk
140 (CH10), Edom - Lisa Davis
78b (CH10), New Britain - David Johnson
146b (CH10), Bangor - P. Dan Brittain
146t (CH10), Solemn Warning - Gaylon Powell
147 (CH10), Fairfield - Charley Sandage
82b (CH10), Gospel Waves - Andrew Albers
56b (CH10), Sing to Me of Heaven - Cory Winters
41t (CH10), Mediation - Mark Davis
87 (CH10), The Promised Land - Linda Funderburk
93 (CH10), Something New - Lisa Davis
165 (CH10), Babylon is Fallen - David Johnson
258 (CH10), Thorny Desert - Kristie Powell.


Dan Brittain brought the class back together leading 62 (MH), Bath.
Leaders: 318 (SH), Present Joys - Gaylon Powell
141 (SH), Complainer - Mark Davis
108b (SH), The Traveler - Linda Funderburk
168 (SH), Cowper - Kristie Powell
85 (SH), The Morning Trumpet - David Johnson
149 (SH), The Trumpet - Cory Winters
217 (SH), Ballstown - Charley Sandage
344 (SH), Rainbow - Bonnie Wood
155 (SH), Northfield - Ann Grigsby
77 (MH), Pennsylvania - P. Dan Brittain
157 (MH), Babe of Bethlehem - Gaylon Powell
215 (SH), New Topia - Mark Davis
330t (SH), Horton - Linda Funderburk
271t (SH), Arkansas - Kristie Powell
47b (SH), Idumea - David Johnson.


Cory Winters brought the class back together leading 52 (CH10), Newburg.
Leaders: 76b (CH10), Night - Bonnie Wood
218t (CH10), Cookham - Charley Sandage
67b (CH10), Dundee - Ann Grigsby
393b (CH10), China - P. Dan Brittain
432b (CH10), Fish Pond - Gaylon Powell
281 (CH10), (No song at that page no.) - Mark Davis
58b (CH10), Primrose - Linda Funderburk
138 (CH10), Rest in the Kingdom - Kristie Powell
77 (CH10), How Beautiful Heaven Must Be - Cory Winters
335 (CH10), When I am Gone - Bonnie Wood
486t (CH10), Retreat - Charley Sandage
137 (CH10), Antioch - Ann Grigsby
299 (CH10), Green Meadows - P. Dan Brittain
203 (CH10), Cumberland - Gaylon Powell
64 (CH10), Youthful Blessings - Mark Davis
225b (CH10), Martin - Linda Funderburk.

Announcements were made. Dan Brittain led 222b (CH10), St. Louis, as the closing song.
Charley Sandage dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—P. Dan Brittain; Secretary—Gaylon Powell.