The 11th Annual Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing

Morris' Outdoor Pavilion, Warren Wilson College
Swannanoa, Buncombe County, North Carolina

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The 11th Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing was held in Morris Pavilion, Warren Wilson College, in conjunction with Old Time Music and Dance Week.

The class was greeted by Sarah Kehrberg, who led 155 from The Sacred Harp. Ron Pen expressed appreciation to Jane Cannon for starting this annual singing and to the College for hosting it. He led 146.

The following lessons were from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition.
Chris Wilhelm 50b; Diane Eskenasy 181; Kevin Kehrberg 373; Mary Baumeister 450; Libby Barker 34b; David Wilson 276; Eli Snyder 428; Robert Kelley 429; Leslie Booher 331; Michael Spencer 354t; Patty Judson 187; Jonathan Wood 282; Mike Richards 61; Jane Cannon 182; Tom Dillon 446.


The class then led from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.
Sarah Kehrberg 393b; Ron Pen 117; Chris Wilhelm 276; Diane Eskenasy 51; Kevin Kehrberg 248; Mary Baumeister 472b; Stephen Houseworth 207t; David Wilson 109; Eli Snyder 43; Robert Kelley 447; Leslie Booher 180; Michael Spencer 510t; Patty Judson 493b; Jonathan Wood 419t; Mike Richards 362; John Plunkett 453t; Tom Dillon and Gaea Singer 339; Jane Cannon 54.

Ron Pen returned thanks for the noon meal.


The class then chose lessons from The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint. Leaders:
Sarah Kehrberg 109; Ron Pen 133; Chris Wilhelm 173b; John Plunkett 56; Jonathan Wood 13t; Mike Richards 30; Jane Cannon 31b; Mary Baumeister 33; Kevin Kehrberg 125; Eli Snyder 131; Robert Kelley 95; Leslie Booher 181t; Michael Spencer 41.

Following announcements of future singings, the class re-elected its current officers.


The final session was leader's choice. Tunes are tagged as follows: from The Christian Harmony (2010), tagged with 'CH10'; from The Sacred Harp (1991), with 'SH'; and from The Southern Harmony (1854); with 'SoH'.

Patty Judson and Jane Cannon 64 (CH10); Tom Dillon 569b (SH); John Plunkett 267b (SoH); Eli Snyder 112 (SoH); Robert Kelley 91 (SoH); Leslie Booher 544 (CH10); David Wilson 67b (CH10); Stephen Houseworth 507b (CH10); Libby Barker 350 (SH); Jonathan Wood and Erica Asaro and Angie Pentecost 503 (SH); Mike Richards 455b (CH10); Chris Berg 299 (CH10); Mary Baumeister 121 (SoH); Kevin Kehrberg 294 (SH); Michael Spencer 397b (CH10); Sarah Kehrberg and Martha Kehrberg 129 (CH10); Ron Pen 455 (SH); Patty Judson 178 (SH); Sarah Kehrberg 481 (SH); Christie Slingluff 551 (SH).

The officers led 267 (SH), as the closing song.

Chairman—Sarah Kehrberg; Vice Chairman—Ron Pen; Secretary—Chris Wilhelm.

2017 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
July 2017

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