26th Harmonia Sacra Singing on New Year's Day
Chapel of the Word, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
Sunday, January 1, 2017
All selections from The Harmonia Sacra, 26th ed., 2008.
Matthew Lind called the twenty-sixth annual singing to order with the song on page
53, Old Hundred.
Samuel Sommers said an opening prayer.
63b, Tender Thought -
James Nelson Gingerich
337, Cranbrook -
Samuel Sommers
212, Mendon - Holly Austin
224t, Gospel Trumpet - John David Thacker
69b, Retreat -
Kate Lind
251, Siloam -
Michael Miller
303, Zerah -
Ginny Landgraf
302b, Lingham - Brian Newell
139, Hants -
James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Margaret McLaughlin)
151, New Monmouth -
Will Fitzgerald
76b, Dawn -
Nate Zweig
84b, Balerma - Nicholas Pasqual
221, Daughter Of Zion - CarolSue Borkholder and
Will Fitzgerald
166b, Ganges -
Jim Helke
220, Eden Of Love -
Christine Guth
227t, Star In The East -
James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Barbara Nelson Gingerich).
Matthew Lind brought the class together with the song on page
227b, Hail To The Brightness.
98t, Ortonville -
Michael Miller
96, Geneva - Bess Fitzgerald and
Will Fitzgerald
351, Hosanna -
James Nelson Gingerich
326, O Love The Lord -
Kate Lind and
Samuel Sommers
138t, Asylum - Brian Newell
189, Confidence -
Christine Guth and
James Nelson Gingerich
301, Wilton -
Ginny Landgraf
237, Jessup -
Nate Zweig
60b, Bourbon -
Jim Helke
392t, Stafford -
Will Fitzgerald
186b, Lenox - John David Thacker
75, Bridgewater - Barbara Nelson Gingerich
218t, Harwell - CarolSue Borkholder and
Will Fitzgerald
264, Gracious Reward - Danile Martens and Annie Martens
347, Amboy -
James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Margaret McLaughlin)
115, Greenville - Sungbin Kim and Shinae Park and
Will Fitzgerald
219, Exultation - Steve Martin
140b, Words Of Peace -
Matthew Lind.
James Nelson Gingerich called the class back with the song at
82b, Repose.
Other leaders:
170, Harmonia -
Samuel Sommers
108t, Primrose - Bess Fitzgerald
277, Let Me Go - Holly Austin
55t, Uxbridge - Steve Martin
121b, Suffield - Nicholas Pasqual
61t, Healing Balm -
Kate Lind
83t, Mear - John David Thacker
188t, Bethany -
Samuel Sommers (requested by Barbara Nelson Gingerich)
56b, Berlin -
Nate Zweig
109t, Bangor -
Ginny Landgraf
173b, Judgment -
Jim Helke
105t, Cambridge - Bruce Chupp
353, I Have Set Watchmen... - Danile Martens and
James Nelson Gingerich
85t, Dundee - Nicholas Pasqual
204, Amsterdam -
James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Margaret McLaughlin).
Samuel Sommers brought the class back with the song at
109b, Solon.
302t, Resignation - Janeen Bertsche Johnson and Aaron Johnson and Kim Meyer
97, Antioch - Brandon Waggy
196t, Protection -
Matthew Lind
150b, Disciple -
Michael Miller
200b, Greenfields - Steve Martin
61b, Magdeburg - Brian Newell
290, Dedication Anthem - Bess Fitzgerald and
Will Fitzgerald
391, Virginia -
Christine Guth
59b, Tavoy - Holly Austin
116, Pleyel's Second - Bruce Chupp
355, The Rose Of Sharon (requested by Kate Lind)
72t, Armley -
Ginny Landgraf.
Matthew Lind asked for announcements; James Nelson Gingerich led 354, Evening Hymn, as the closing song and Samuel Sommers said a final prayer. Carry in meal followed.
Minutes: Samuel Sommers