8th? Annual Rusk County Singing Convention

Old Pine Grove Church
Henderson, Rusk County, Texas

Saturday, April 23, 2016 and Sunday, April 24, 2016

Saturday, April 23

The 8th annual Rusk County Singing met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in April at Old Pine Grove Church near Henderson, Texas. The tune book for Saturday was The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

With the absence of the chairman and the vice chairman, Secretary Gaylon Powell called the class to order leading 206, Prayer Meeting.
Chris Nicholson offered the opening prayer. Gaylon Powell then called the class into a business session and the following officers were elected: Chairman—Mike Hinton; Vice Chairman—Chris Nicholson; Secretary—Gaylon Powell.

Leaders: 264, Harwell - Gaylon Powell
303, The Unclouded Day - Mike Hinton
143, Farther Along - Mike Hinton
398t, St. Thomas - Chris Nicholson
399b, Thatcher - Chris Nicholson
221b, Poor, Weak, and Worthless - Robert Vaughn
142, The Solid Rock - Robert Vaughn
258, Thorny Desert - Kristie Powell
339, Samanthra - Kristie Powell
189, One by One - Carole Watts
298, My Shepherd Guides - Carole Watts
188, He Loves Me - Natalie Fletcher.
131, Will You Meet Me? - Natalie Fletcher.


Mike Hinton called the class back together leading 86t, Ortonville.
Leaders: 86b, Hicks' Farewell - Henry McGuire
168b, Sunrise - Henry McGuire
29, The Midnight Cry - Charity Vaughn
284, Don't Grieve Your Mother - Charity Vaughn
338t, How Firm a Foundation - Chris Nicholson
338b, Davis - Chris Nicholson
155, Solemn Call - Gaylon Powell
336t, Sweet Harmony - Gaylon Powell
299, Green Meadows - Robert Vaughn
361, Solemn Thought - Robert Vaughn
41t, Mediation - Kristie Powell
548, Macedonia - Kristie Powell
367, David's Lamentation - Natalie Fletcher.
226t, Rock of Ages - Natalie Fletcher.
Dismissed for lunch with Henry McGuire asking the blessing at the dinner tables.


Mike Hinton called the class back together leading 70b, Brown.
291, Warrenton.
Leaders: 422b, Whitney - Henry McGuire
432b, Fish Pond - Henry McGuire
346, Star in the East - Chris Nicholson
347, Portuguese Hymn - Chris Nicholson
137, Antioch - Gaylon Powell
136, Sherburne - Gaylon Powell
40, ?No such tune? - Robert Vaughn
71, The Peaceful Shore - Robert Vaughn
105t, Tender Care - Kristie Powell
332, Babylonian Captivity - Kristie Powell
382, How Sweet the Sound - Carole Watts
82t, Lady, Touch Thy Harp Again - Carole Watts
460t, Bohemia - Henry McGuire.
64, Youthful Blessings - Henry McGuire.


Mike Hinton called the class back together leading 349, Redemption (First).
179, Traveling On.
Leaders: 253, Is It Far? - Kim Vaughn
149, A Good Time Coming - Kim Vaughn
329, Redeeming Grace - Kim Vaughn
67b, Dundee - Chris Nicholson
76b, Night - Chris Nicholson
256t, Pleading Savior - Gaylon Powell
259t, Crumly - Gaylon Powell
222t, Praise - Robert Vaughn
316, This Heavy Load - Robert Vaughn
138, Rest in the Kingdom - Kristie Powell
493b, Day-Star - Kristie Powell
493t, Kedron - Henry McGuire.
246, The Good Physician - Henry McGuire.
Mike appointed Kristie Powell and Charity Vaughn to serve on the memorial committee. Mike Hinton led 30b, Dennis for the closing song.
The closing prayer was offered by Robert Vaughn.

Sunday, April 24

The Sunday session of the convention was held in conjunction with the Pine Grove Cemetery Homecoming. The tune book for Sunday was The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book), 2012 Revision.

Mike Hinton called the class to order leading 31b, Come, We That Love the Lord (Webster).
David Rousseau led the opening prayer. Leaders: 293b, Saint Thomas - Mike Hinton
203, Florida - Gaylon Powell
300, Calvary - Gaylon Powell
558, I'll Praise My Master - Kim Vaughn
507b, The Glory of the Cross - Kim Vaughn
567, Child of Thine - Henry McGuire
133, John 4:14 - Henry McGuire
127, Green Fields - David Rousseau
72, Firm Foundation (Bellevue) - David Rousseau
392, Little Pilgrim - Will McGuire
484, My Country 'Tis of Thee (America) - Will McGuire
32t, I'm Not Ashamed of Jesus (Corinth) - Chris Nicholson
31t, Ninety-Third Psalm - Chris Nicholson
489, Cooper (Jordan) - Charity Vaughn
73t, Show Pity, Lord (Cusseta) - Charity Vaughn
210, Minnesota - Kristie Powell.
524, My Home Above - Kristie Powell.


Mike Hinton called the class back together leading 138t, Song to the Lamb.
Leaders: 461, Let Us Sing - Carole Watts
40, Blow Ye the Trumpet (Lenox) - Carole Watts
572, We Will Sing with Angels There - Sherry Rousseau
573, Trusting Jesus - Sherry Rousseau
314, Amherst - Robert Vaughn
38t, Sessions - Robert Vaughn
508, Amsterdam - Chris Nicholson
507t, Jackson - Chris Nicholson
522, Shades of Night - Gaylon Powell
486, No Night on That Golden Shore - Gaylon Powell
458, Friendship - Henry McGuire.
594, National Blessings (Glimpse of Thee, A) - Henry McGuire.

Memorial Lesson: Charity Vaughn read the names of the sick and shut-ins: Curtis and Edith Owen, Myrl Jones, Leo and Mary Stanley, Amy Denison, Cheryl Foreman, Ruth Redmon, Dale Redmon, Jr., Adelaide Vaughn—Texas; Susan Harcrow, and Toney and LaVuy Smith—Alabama; Janelle Davis—Illinois; Alice McGuire—Mississippi. She made some comments and led 540, She Is Sleeping in their honor.

Kristie Powell read the names of the deceased: HP O'Mary and Bill Burnes—Texas; George Easley and Charles Porter—Mississippi; Robert DuPree—Alabama; Oliver Stokes—Pennsylvania; Donald Klein and John Schaffer—Colorado; Leonard Singletary—Burials in the Pine Grove Cemetery. She made some comments and led 285t, Arnold in their honor.

Dismissed for lunch, prayer was offered at the dinner tables.


Mike Hinton called the class back together leading 87, Sweet Canaan.
369, Send a Blessing.
Leaders: 514, Wiley - Kristie Powell
273, Marthasville - Kristie Powell
528b, Peaceful Shore - Kim Vaughn
467, Pray, Brethren, Pray - Kim Vaughn
563, Jesus Is Mine - David Rousseau
341, The Lone Pilgrim (The White Pilgrim) - David Rousseau
422b, The Grieved Soul - Charity Vaughn
411, The Finest Flower - Charity Vaughn
340, The Rock That Is Higher Than I - Carole Watts
501, That Beautiful Land - Carole Watts
423, Grantville - Robert Vaughn
47b, Idumea - Robert Vaughn
410, Willie - Will McGuire.
465, Trusting - Will McGuire.
It was agreed that as of next year, the Sunday session will begin at 9:30 a.m. After announcements, Mike Hinton led 511t, Brown for the closing song.
The convention closed with prayer by Gaylon Powell.

Chairman—Mike Hinton; Vice Chairman—Chris Nicholson; Secretary—Gaylon Powell.