25th Harmonia Sacra Singing on New Year's Day
Chapel of the Word, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
Friday, January 1, 2016
All selections from The Harmonia Sacra, 26th ed., 2008.
Matthew Lind called the twenty-fifth annual singing to order with the song on page
53, Old Hundred.
Samuel Sommers said an opening prayer.
63b, Tender Thought -
James Nelson Gingerich
349, Homeward Bound -
Samuel Sommers
85t, Dundee -
Will Fitzgerald
83t, Mear -
Jim Helke
160b, Examination -
Nate Zweig
164b, Hendon - Ann Miczulski
345, Newkirk - Bess Fitzgerald
66t, Amanda -
Martha Beverly
84t, Dublin -
Bill Beverly
96, Geneva - Peter Shenk Koontz and
James Nelson Gingerich
221, Daughter Of Zion -
Michael Miller
227b, Hail To The Brightness -
Matthew Lind
227t, Star In The East (requested by Malinda Berry)
140b, Words Of Peace -
James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Barbara Nelson Gingerich)
75, Bridgewater -
Kate Lind
220, Eden Of Love -
Will Fitzgerald (requested by Christine Guth).
James Nelson Gingerich brought the class together with the song on page
303, Zerah.
396t, Invocation -
Matthew Lind (requested by Sarah Lind)
156t, Conquest -
Will Fitzgerald (requested by Gale Gerber Koontz)
368, Plymouth Dock -
James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Beth Bontrager)
351, Hosanna -
Jan May
207, Sumner - Holly Austin
301, Wilton -
Ginny Landgraf
99t, Union - Kristine Regehr and
James Nelson Gingerich
224t, Gospel Trumpet - John David Thacker
269, Loud Hallelujah -
Samuel Sommers
333, Tallis' Evening Hymn -
Will Fitzgerald
166b, Ganges -
Jim Helke
69t, Migdol -
Nate Zweig
195, Lyons - Ann Miczulski
339, Ain -
Will Fitzgerald (requested by Bess Fitzgerald)
283, Woodstock -
Martha Beverly.
Samuel Sommers brought the class back with the song at
347, Amboy.
Other leaders:
332b, Babylonian Captivity -
Bill Beverly
204, Amsterdam - John David Thacker
150b, Disciple -
Michael Miller
228b, Sing To Me Of Heaven - Brian Newell
260, Parting Hymn -
Matthew Lind
211, New Salem -
Will Fitzgerald (requested by Loren Waggy)
307, Jordan - Brandon Waggy
90t, St. Martin's -
Jan May
355, The Rose Of Sharon -
James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Malinda Berry)
326, O Love The Lord (requested by Barbara Nelson Gingerich)
212, Mendon (requested by Kate Lind)
270, Blessed Be the Lord God... -
Samuel Sommers (requested by Sarah Lind).
Will brought the class back from the final recess with the song at
210b, Zion's Pilgrim.
151, New Monmouth - Beth Bontrager
69b, Retreat -
Christine Guth
284t, Communion - Holly Austin
90b, Windsor -
Ginny Landgraf
337, Cranbrook -
James Nelson Gingerich
155, Autumn -
Samuel Sommers
281, Watchman Tell us of the Night -
Will Fitzgerald
173b, Judgment -
Jim Helke
216t, Olivet - Ann Miczulski
261, Manoah -
Martha Beverly
169, Alderton -
Nate Zweig.
Announcements were made. Dirk Vardaman led
290, Dedication Anthem, and
Matthew Lind closed the singing with the song at
354, Evening Hymn.
Michael Miller said grace before the carry-in dinner which followed.
Minutes: Samuel Sommers