Raymond Hamrick Memorial Singing (Georgian Harmony)
Roberta Civic Center
Roberta, Crawford County, Georgia
Saturday, June 13, 2015
All selections from The Georgian Harmony, 2nd ed., 2012.
The first Raymond Hamrick Memorial Singing (The Georgian Harmony) was held on the second Saturday in June at the Roberta Civic Center. Bill Hollingsworth called the class to order leading
30, Jubilation.
John Hollingsworth offered the opening prayer.
Bill Hollingsworth led
1, Advent.
11, Desolation -
Oscar McGuire
8, Calvary's Mountain -
John Hollingsworth
19, Decatur -
Chris Brown
155, Heavenly Prospect -
Chris Brown
38, Montpelier -
Chris Robinson
86, Cedar Creek -
Jesse P. Karlsberg
72, Sleepers Awake! -
Jesse P. Karlsberg
87, Sojourn - Aldo Ceresa
90, The Stork Carol - Aldo Ceresa
25, Humility -
Harry Eskew
95, Harbor -
Mary Brownlee
94, Bradford -
Mary Brownlee
153, Oxford -
Lisa Bennett.
198, Majestic -
Lisa Bennett.
Oscar McGuire called the class to order leading
29, Lloyd's Doxology.
36, Comfort -
Jerusha Wheeler
54, John 3:37 -
Martha Harrell
109, Lloyd -
Rosemund Watson
16, Boston Common -
Rosemund Watson
108, Invocation -
Judy Whiting
250, Alford -
John Plunkett
132, Moses and the Lamb -
John Plunkett
184, Legend -
David Smead
185, Lindale -
David Smead
186, St. Elmo - Debora Grosse.
187, Warning - Debora Grosse.
A business session was held with the following issues addressed: the class voted to change the name of the singing to the Raymond Hamrick Memorial Singing (Georgian Harmony); Helen Bryson was elected to serve as secretary for today only; other officers to remain unchanged as follows: Chairman—Oscar McGuire, and Vice Chairman—John Plunkett.
John Plunkett called the class to order leading
48, The Lord's Morning.
102, Journey - Janelle Davis (for Hannah Land)
152, John -
Andy Ditzler
196, Mansfield -
Andy Ditzler
233, An Easter Song -
Michael Spencer
14, In Mercy Lord -
Michael Spencer
26, Andrew's Chapel -
Chris Brown
105, Nidrah -
Judy Whiting
15, Admonition -
Jerusha Wheeler
50, Celebration -
Lisa Bennett
8, Calvary's Mountain -
Harry Eskew
13, Shepherd -
Mary Brownlee and Lois Robinson
136, Thus Spake Matthew, A Short Anthem - Debora Grosse and
Mary Brownlee
242, Vision -
David Smead
96, Psalm 96 - Aldo Ceresa
119, Twenty Third - Janelle Davis and Aldo Ceresa
43, Evening Devotion -
Jesse P. Karlsberg
44, Ascension -
Andy Ditzler
208, Ila -
Michael Spencer
22, Adoration -
Bill Hollingsworth
18, Jeremiah -
Helen Bryson
66, Elijah -
Chris Brown
232, Melrose -
Judy Whiting
100, Josiah - Aldo Ceresa
249, A Round in 7's -
Bill Hollingsworth.
Announcements were made. Rosemund Watson led
255, Christian Farewell, as the closing song.
Elder Chris Robinson offered the closing prayer.
Chairman—Oscar McGuire; Vice Chairman—John Plunkett; Secretary—Helen Bryson.