Singing for Julianne Wiley
Johnson City, Washington County, Tennessee
Sunday, February 15, 2015
The Old Fields third Sunday singing was held at the NHC facility, where Julianne is recovering from a serious illness.
All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.
We sang:
36b, Albion
67b, Dundee
509b, The Good Shepherd
217, Jerusalem
140, Edom
507t, Union
107, Resignation (First)
191, Oh! Turn, Sinner
142, The Solid Rock
448b, Coleshill
89, Northfield
269t, Restoration
455b, Rockbridge
143, Farther Along
117, Angel Band
111b, Judkins
Singers: Julianne Wiley, Don Wiley, Harry Morgan, Rhodyjane Meadows, Dan Huger, Jeanie Walker, Judy Sipes, Mary Grace Walrath, Linda Krieger, Alexander Garden.
Julianne and Don are grateful and humbled by the show of love and support from the singers who came as well as all who have prayed for us.
Minutes: Jeanie Walker and Don Wiley.