Georgian Harmony Anniversary Singing

Liberty Hill Community Center
Barnesville, Lamar County, Georgia

Saturday, August 31, 2013

All selections from The Georgian Harmony, 2nd ed., 2012.

The 4th annual session of The Georgian Harmony singing held on Saturday before the first Sunday in September was held at the Liberty Hill Community Center. John Plunkett brought the class to order leading 170, Patterson.
Matt Hinton offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were elected to serve: Chairman—John Plunkett; Secretary—Lauren Bock.

119, Twenty Third - John Plunkett
83, Morning Devotion - Lauren Bock
184, Legend - Bill Hollingsworth
44, Ascension - Erica Hinton
19, Decatur - Morgan Bunch
11, Desolation - Michael Walker
13, Shepherd - Eddie Mash
14, In Mercy Lord - Michael Spencer
46, Oakland - Erin Mills
12, The Holy Spirit - Jeannette DePoy
87, Sojourn - Andy Morse
4, Glad Tidings - Matt Hinton
8, Calvary's Mountain - John Hollingsworth
51, Pilgrim - Sue Bunch
95, Harbor - Erin Johnson-Hill
94, Bradford - Jesse P. Karlsberg
50, Celebration - Helen Bryson
49, Mount Carmel - Oscar McGuire
176, Dawning - Rebecca Over.


John Plunkett called the class back to order leading 141, Salvation.
1, Advent - Jesse Roberts
108, Invocation - Ann Gray
109, Lloyd - Daire O'Sullivan
255, Christian Farewell - Kate Kirwan
203, Oak Grove - Micah Roberts
198, Majestic - Lauren Bock
185, Lindale - Bill Hollingsworth
72, Sleepers Awake! - Andy Morse
110, Suppliant - Sue Bunch
43, Evening Devotion - Erin Johnson-Hill
26, Andrew's Chapel - Helen Bryson
65, Wesley - Oscar McGuire
227, Harmony - Erica Hinton
136, Thus Spake Matthew, A Short Anthem - Jesse P. Karlsberg and Michael Walker
226, Cluster - Eddie Mash
29, Lloyd's Doxology - Jeannette DePoy
256, (No song at that page no.) - Rebecca Over
252, Arabi - Michael Spencer.
Eddie Mash offered grace before the noon meal.


John Plunkett led 80, Mortal Span, to bring the class back to order.
98, Gabriel's Trumpet - Michael Walker
54, John 3:37 - Morgan Bunch
166, Oversight - Micah Roberts
15, Admonition - Matt Hinton
152, John - Kate Kirwan
192, Madison - John Hollingsworth
3, Calvary's Hill - Jesse P. Karlsberg
210, Homage - Ann Gray
16, Boston Common - Lauren Bock
33, Dalton - Rebecca Over
86, Cedar Creek - Michael Walker
179, Exodus - Erin Johnson-Hill
90, The Stork Carol - Morgan Bunch
107, Emmaus - Sue Bunch
206, The Humble Sinner - Eddie Mash
138, Psalm Tune - Bill Hollingsworth.

John Plunkett led an untitled song written by Raymond Hamrick in 1973 that had been typeset recently by John Hollingsworth. Raymond Hamrick thanked the class for singing his songs and noted that the singers who have attended Georgian Harmony singings have gotten considerably better at sight reading over the past three to four years.

John Plunkett then took announcements from the class. John Plunkett led 45, A Prayer at Parting, as the closing song, offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—John Plunkett; Secretary—Lauren Bock.