The 11th Calvary-Fletcher Singing

Calvary Episcopal Church
Fletcher, Henderson County, North Carolina

Saturday, June 8, 2013

This singing uses The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint).

Dan Huger welcomed the singers and opened the singing with
70b, Brown.
June Jolley gave the Opening Prayer.
51, Lonsdale - Judy Mincey
155, Solemn Call - Don Wiley
101t, An Address for All - Chris Wilhelm
214, Hosanna - William Simerly
89b, Northfield - Diane Eskenasy
110b, Turner - Mary Baumeister
164b, The Pilgrim's Song - Robert Kelley
381C, Twilight is Falling - Sharon Kellam, in memory of her grandfather
130b, Passing Away - Scott Swanton
88, Pisgah - June Jolley
191b, Oh! Turn, Sinner - Julianne Wiley
165b, Rockbridge - Michael Walker, for Sharon Kellam
41t, Mediation - Claudia Dean


281t, Mount Vernon - Leslie Booher
261t, The Good Shepherd - Jeff Farr
321t, Olive Shade - Larry Beveridge
35b, Boylston - Zack Allen
204t, Prayer Meeting - Maggie Lauterer
341, The Lone Pilgrim - Dan Huger
133, Juniata - Judy Mincey
64t, The Penitent's Prayer - Don Wiley
360, The Saints Bound for Heaven - Chris Wilhelm and Scott Swanton

Business Meeting:
Zack Allen presented options for reprinting the Walker book and asked for comments to be sent to him at
zcamail at aol dot com

Don Wiley offered the grace for lunch and Larry Beveridge led the Doxology.


248b, Union - William Simerly
287, Indian Convert - Mary Baumeister
140, Edom - Diane Eskenasy
337t, Sweet Harmony - Robert Kelley
78 (EH1) - Sharon Kellam (handout from Eclectic Harmony)
369, Easter Anthem - Scott Swanton, by request
307, True Happiness - June Jolley
77b, Cambridge - Julianne Wiley
77t, Rockingham (First) - Michael Walker
93, Something New - Claudia Dean
294, Carmarthen - Leslie Booher
380, Christian Song - Jeff Farr

26b, Ninety-Third - Larry Beveridge
293, Lenox - Zack Allen
55b, Idumea - Maggie Lauterer
332, Babylonian Captivity - Dan Huger
50, Cranbrook - Judy Mincey
171t, Sessions - Don Wiley
203, Cumberland - Chris Wilhelm
135, Raymond - Diane Eskenasy (by the shapes, numbers, poetry)
116t, The Finest Flower - Robert Kelley
215t, In That Morning - Sharon Kellam

200b, Parting Hand
Closing Prayer, Larry Beveridge.

Minutes: Mary Baumeister