The 8th Annual Mountain View Shape Note Gathering

Ozark Folk Center
Mountain View, Stone County, Arkansas

Thursday, July 7, 2011 to Saturday, July 9, 2011

The 8th Annual Shape Note Gathering began on Thursday morning with an introduction to the history of shape notes and singing schools, a brief singing school and a review of selected Yankee tunesmith biographies. On Thursday evening leaders selected songs from:
The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition (songs tagged with `SH'),
The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book), 1992 Revision (tagged `CB'),
The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing) (tagged `AL'),
The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint) (tagged `CHw'),
Cayce's Good Old Songs (tagged `GOS'),
Missouri Harmony (tagged `MH'),
Daily's Primitive Baptist Hymn and Tune Book (tagged `D') and
Black Mississippi Shape Note tradition (tagged `BM').

Thursday, July 7

Gaylon Powell welcomed the class and led 59 (SH), Holy Manna.
Charley Sandage offered the opening prayer and appointed Gaylon Powell to moderate the Shape Note Gathering. Nancy Hogan was appointed as Secretary.

Leaders: 34 (MH) - P. Dan Brittain
214 (CHw), Hosanna - Bill Hogan
155 (SH), Northfield - Holly Ruth Gale
282 (GOS) - Charley Sandage
149 (AL), A Good Time Coming - Nancy Hogan
203 (CB), Florida - Kristie Powell
85 (SH), The Morning Trumpet - Kevan Bailey
541 (GOS) - Charlie Mink
63 (SH), Coronation - Glynn Garrett
  (BM)  “To Canaan's Land, I'm On My Way” - Gaylon Powell
22 (MH) - P. Dan Brittain
133 (AL), Juniata - Bill Hogan
26 (D) - Holly Ruth Gale
155 (GOS) - Charley Sandage
543 (CB), Consecration - Nancy Hogan
133 (CB), John 4:14 - Kristie Powell
612 (GOS) - Charlie Mink
19 (SH), ?No such tune? - Glynn Garrett
559 (CB), Will You Meet Me? - Gaylon Powell
208b (CHw), French Broad - P. Dan Brittain
  (BM)  “John Knew” - Hogan Bill
358 (SH), Murillo's Lesson - Holly Ruth Gale
171 (CB), Exhortation - Charley Sandage
95b (CB), The Christian's Love - Nancy Hogan
138t (CB), Song to the Lamb - Kristie Powell
555 (GOS) - Gaylon Powell.
Bill Hogan closed with prayer.

Friday, July 8

A welcome was given by Holly Ruth Gale and Charley Sandage. Featured leaders: Dan Brittain, and Laura Boosinger. Dan Brittain opened the day with a brief history of the Missouri Harmony and led 23 (MH).
24 (MH).
26 (MH).
27 (MH).
30 (MH).
31 (MH).
33 (MH).
35 (MH).

Laura Boosinger talked about the traditions of the North Carolina "Walker" Christian Harmony and led 58b (CHw), Primrose.
258 (CHw), Thorny Desert.
360 (CHw), The Saints Bound for Heaven.
208b (CHw), French Broad.
214 (CHw), Hosanna.
217 (CHw), Jerusalem.


Featured leaders: Gaylon Powell, Dan Brittain, Bill Hogan and Charley Sandage. The afternoon began when Gaylon Powell introduced the 1991 edition Sacred Harp and led 37b (SH), Liverpool, 31t (SH), Ninety-Third Psalm, 155 (SH), Northfield, 412 (SH), New Hosanna, 180 (SH), Vermont, and Dan Brittain led 63 (SH), Coronation.
378t (SH), Heavenly Port.
73t (SH), Cusseta.
31b (SH), Webster.

Bill Hogan introduced the Parris-Deason "Alabama" Christian Harmony" and led 372 (AL), I Won't Turn Back.
54 (AL), My Trust.
354 (AL), ?No such tune?.
64 (AL), Youthful Blessings.
180 (AL), The Sinless Summerland.
51 (AL), Lonsdale.
307 (AL), True Happiness.
316 (AL), This Heavy Load.
168 (AL), ?No such tune?.
133 (AL), Juniata.


Charley Sandage presented the seven shape system using the "Cayce Book" Good Old Songs and the Daily Hymn Book and led 352 (GOS).
235 (GOS).
541 (GOS).
463 (GOS).

Gaylon Powell completed the afternoon with the Cooper edition Sacred Harp and led 138 (CB), ?No such tune?.
500 (CB), Sweet By and By.
53 (CB), Jerusalem.
563 (CB), Jesus Is Mine.
543 (CB), Consecration.
393 (CB), I'm Wandering To and Fro.
484 (CB), My Country 'Tis of Thee (America).
98 (CB), Glory Shone Around.
95 (CB), ?No such tune?.
Bill and Nancy Hogan led    “Give Me Just A Little More Time” (Wiregrass).

Saturday, July 9

Gaylon Powell called the class together leading 507 (CB), ?No such tune?, and Kevan Bailey offered the opening prayer. Leaders: 13 (MH) - P. Dan Brittain
128t (CHw), Ninety-Fifth - Bill Hogan
217 (CHw), Jerusalem - Laura Boosinger
277 (GOS) - Charley Sandage
155 (SH), Northfield - Holly Ruth Gale
189 (AL), One by One - Nancy Hogan
159b (CHw), Long-Sought Home - Eddie Huckaby
559 (CB), Will You Meet Me? - Andrew Albers
85 (SH), The Morning Trumpet - Anita Buswell
285 (GOS) - Charlie Mink
273 (CB), Marthasville - Kristie Powell
524 (GOS) - Kevan Bailey.


Gaylon Powell called the class to order by leading   (BM)  “Victory in Jesus”
113 (MH) - P. Dan Brittain
203 (AL), Cumberland - Bill Hogan
159 (CHw), ?No such tune? - Laura Boosinger
239 (GOS) - Charley Sandage
171 (CB), Exhortation - Holly Ruth Gale
91 (AL), There is a Fountain - Nancy Hogan
  (BM)  “I'll Have a New Life” - Eddie Huckaby
519 (CB), My Mother's Gone - Andrew Albers
87 (SH), Sweet Canaan - Anita Buswell
612 (GOS) - Charlie Mink
411 (CB), The Finest Flower - Kristie Powell
264 (AL), Harwell - Kevan Bailey
106 (CHw), Sweet Rivers - Laura Boosinger.
Andrew Albers offered the blessing for the noon meal.


Gaylon Powell opened the afternoon session by leading 511 (CB), ?No such tune?
277 (SH), Antioch - Bill Hogan
555 (GOS) - Charley Sandage
63 (SH), Coronation - Holly Ruth Gale
59 (SH), Holy Manna - Nancy Hogan
339 (GOS) - Eddie Huckaby
133 (AL), Juniata - Andrew Albers
410 (CB), Willie - Anita Buswell
378 (SH), ?No such tune? - Kristie Powell
289b (CHw), Happy Land - Kevan Bailey
73 (SH), ?No such tune? - Glynn Garrett
  (BM)  “Just Over in Gloryland” - Lonnie Williams
34 (MH) - Cliff Hall.


Gaylon Powell led 82 (AL), ?No such tune?
   “Give Me Just A Little More Time” - Bill Hogan (Wiregrass)
155 (GOS) - Charley Sandage
276 (CB), Bridgewater - Holly Ruth Gale
49 (SH), ?No such tune? - Nancy Hogan
341 (CHw), The Lone Pilgrim - Eddie Huckaby
416 (CB), ?No such tune? - Andrew Albers
358 (SH), Murillo's Lesson - Anita Buswell
558 (CB), I'll Praise My Master - Kristie Powell
360 (CHw), The Saints Bound for Heaven - Kevan Bailey
98 (CB), Glory Shone Around - Glynn Garrett
  (BM)  “To Canaan's Land, I'm On My Way” - Lonnie Williams.

Announcements were made and the closing song, 46 (SH), Let Us Sing, was led by Gaylon Powell, Holly Ruth Gale, Bill Hogan and Charley Sandage. The closing prayer was offered by Bill Hogan.