Quay Smathers Memorial Singing
Shook-Smathers House, Shook Museum
Clyde, Haywood County, North Carolina
Saturday, June 26, 2010
All selections from The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint).
June Jolley brought the group to order. Docents Sharon Shook and Sara Queen
Brown gave a brief history of the Shook-Smathers House. June explained basic
rudiments, then opened the singing with
88, Pisgah, and led in prayer.
80t, Caddo -
Don Wiley
307, True Happiness -
Ken George
206b, Supplication -
Mary Baumeister
151, Sweet Prospect -
Jane Spencer
318, The Martial Trumpet -
Dan Huger
204t, Prayer Meeting -
Diane Eskenasy
248t, Inley -
Shannon Primm
327, The Christian's Hope -
Claudia Dean
132, Damascus -
Julianne Wiley
June brought the group back with
360, The Saints Bound for Heaven.
35b, Boylston -
Karen Reed
115b, It Is I -
Leslie Booher
150t, Salvation -
Chris Wilhelm
66t, Balerma -
Claudia Dean
198, Creation -
Tina Becker
248b, Union -
June Jolley
231t, King of Peace -
Don Wiley
381C, Twilight is Falling -
Ken George
300, Desire -
Mary Baumeister
217, Jerusalem -
Jane Spencer
87b, Hicks' Farewell -
Dan Huger
Lunch Blessing: Dan Huger
64t, The Penitent's Prayer -
June Jolley
140, Edom -
Diane Eskenasy
Museum Director Jerry Tate welcomed the group and spoke briefly about the museum.
231b, Indian's Farewell -
Shannon Primm
215t, In That Morning -
Julianne Wiley
89b, Northfield -
Karen Reed
146b, Bangor -
Leslie Booher
60b, China -
Chris Berg
135, Raymond -
Scott Swanton
Memorial Lesson - June Jolley, who gave a brief history of Quay Smathers learning to sing by following singing teacher Terry Singleton of Asheville to singing schools in Western North Carolina.
299, Green Meadows -
June Jolley
70b, Brown -
Don Wiley
55b, Idumea -
Ken George
279, Oliphant -
Mary Baumeister
175t, Breaker -
Jane Spencer
332, Babylonian Captivity -
Dan Huger
144b, Walk with God -
Shannon Primm
51, Lonsdale -
Diane Eskenasy
322t, Little Worth -
Claudia Dean
281t, Mount Vernon -
Tina Becker
339, Samanthra
June introduced Julian Smathers, great grandson of Levi Smathers who had lived in this house.
245t, Bozrah -
Julianne Wiley
381D, Holy Manna -
Karen Reed
328b, Pass Me Not -
Leslie Booher (by request of Julian Smathers)
200b, Parting Hand -
Scott Swanton
Closing prayer - June Jolley
We adjourned to the chapel on third floor of the house where we sang
106, Sweet Rivers -
June Jolley
359, Wondrous Love -
Scott Swanton
105b, Resignation -
Jane Spencer
157, Hallelujah
At some point during the singing and various discussions it was decided this singing should be called the Quay Smathers Memorial Singing: for June, for the house, for the pictures of Quay at singings at this house, for Quay - who kept the tradition alive when it went through its low point here in Western North Carolina.
Minutes by Chris Wilhelm