Blue Ridge Primitive Baptist Church Singing
Blue Ridge Primitive Baptist Church
Chatsworth, Murray County, Georgia
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Old School Hymnal / Christian Harmony Singing
Singers usually led two songs at a time.
Morning—Old School Hymnal, 11th edition
65, My Father's House On High (Home) -
Greg Smith
249, O Happy Day (Happy Day)
Opening Prayer by Elder Joe Hildreth
306, Here In The Vineyard (Church's Desolation)
251, When I Can Read My Title Clear (Ninety-Fifth) -
Ralph Parker
250, Beneath the Sacred Throne (Avon)
426, Leaning On The Everlasting Arms -
David Smith
134, Not Made With Hands
299, The City Of Light - Ellen Ridehalgh
300, Blest Jesus, While In Mortal Flesh (Sharpsburg)
109, The Hour Of Prayer Once More Is Come (Prosperity) -
Edna Vickers
110, Brethren, We Have Met To Worship (Holy Manna)
355, In That Morning - Thurman Bishop
423, When We All Get To Heaven
359, Where The Soul Never Dies - Tim Howard
94, Show Pity, Lord -
Joe Hildreth
494, 'Twill Be Glory By And By
317, Lead Thou Me -
Ed Smith
364, And Let This Feeble Body Fail (Hallelujah)
495, A Light At The River - Edward Vickers
479, The Touch Of His Gentle Hand
169, Who? -
Greg Smith (with Brett Smith, Joey Stevens, and Tia Stevens)
376, Sweet By And By
406, The Pilgrim's Song
50, Blessed Assurance -
Ralph Parker (with Brett Smith, Joey Stevens, and Tia Stevens)
136, Wonderful Jesus
429, Count Your Blessings -
David Smith (with Brett Smith, Joey Stevens, and Tia Stevens)
297, The Happy Land
154, Amazing Grace (New Britain)
Morning Session Closing Prayer/Blessing by Elder Paul Mooney, Sr..
Afternoon—The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing)
105t, Tender Care -
Greg Smith (with Brett Smith)
89, Northfield
55b, Idumea -
Paul Mooney, Jr.
131, Will You Meet Me?
274, Mother Tell Me of the Angels - Chase Mooney
287, Indian Convert
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Jarod Mooney
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old
110, Volunteers - Ellen Ridehalgh
111b, Judkins
293, Lenox -
Edna Vickers
59t, Mear
290, Amity -
David Smith
135, Raymond
253, Is It Far? -
Ed Smith
136, Sherburne
91, There is a Fountain - Edward Vickers
140, Edom
126, Ocean -
Greg Smith (with Brett Smith)
179, Traveling On
82b, Gospel Waves -
Ralph Parker
111t, Fleeting Days
316, This Heavy Load -
Lawrence Mooney
117, Angel Band -
Jarod Mooney
342, Blest Morn -
Paul Mooney, Jr.
303, The Unclouded Day
282, Friendship -
Greg Smith
Closing Prayer by Elder Lawrence Mooney.
Minutes sent by Greg Smith