Summer Fifth-Sunday Cashiers singing

Cashiers First Methodist Church
Cashiers, Jackson County, North Carolina
Sunday, 30 July, 2006

All selections William Walker 2nd edition, 1873/1994 (the 'Carolina book').

Chairman Carl Blozan welcomed the singers.
Steve Walker gave the opening prayer; and gave a brief singing school.
35b-Boylston, Dan Huger
204t-Prayer Meeting, Becky Walker
24t-Volusia, John Hollingsworth
67b-Dundee, Chris Wilhelm
58b-Primrose, Chris Berg
117-Angel Band, Kathie Blozan
371A-Not Made with Hands, Carl Blozan
78b-New Britain, Mary Baumeister
55b-Idumea, Jane Spencer
381D-Holy Manna, Henry Zittouer
269t-Restoration, Jeff Farr
381C-Twilight is Falling, Lucy Sandidge
255t-Watchman, Ken George
225b-Martin, Dick Plunkett
157b-Hallelujah, Steve Walker
148-Leander, Dan Huger
89b-Northfield, Becky Walker
250-Realms of the Blest, John Hollingsworth
289b-Happy Land, Chris Wilhelm
359-Wondrous Love, Chris Berg
367-David's Lamentation, Kathie Blozan
135-Raymond, Carl Blozan
323t-Prospect of Heaven, Mary Baumeister
54b-Newingham, Jane Spencer
207t-Windham, Jeff Farr Announcements
200b-Parting Hand

Minutes: Carl Blozan

There were about 25 singers.
The day was clear but overcast, and cool.

Following the singing, a number of us went to sing briefly for our friend Robert Varkony who was unable to be with us on this Sunday as he was in hospital.

2006 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
September 2006