Home of John & Elsie Hollingsworth,

Ila, Madison County, Georgia
Saturday, 8 January 2005

Sacred Harp and "Alabama" book Christian Harmony

Selections from Deason-Parris Revision ("Alabama book")

26b - Ninety-Third, Billy Hollingsworth

Opening Prayer - John Hollingsworth

206 - Prayer Meeting, Billy Hollingsworth
369b - Easter Anthem, Rodney Chandler
131 - Will You Meet Me?, Mildred Chandler
214 - Hosanna, Lee Rogers
55b - Idumea, Ken George
248 - Twilight is Falling, Lucy Sandidge
165 - Babylon is Fallen, Kim Chandler
164b - The Pilgrim's Song, John Plunkett
372b - Won't Turn Back, Jack Chandler, Jr.
309t  - Singing School, Angela Hollingsworth Benton
51 - Lonsdale, Diane Eskenasy
171b - Sessions, Winston Stephens
141b - Detroit, Chris Wilhelm
123 - Rapturous Scene, Jane Spencer
284 - Don't Grieve Your Mother, Terry Chandler
49 - Forever with the Lord, Deborah Jones
70b - Brown, Laura Akerman
1 - Weary Rest, John Hollingsworth


Selections from Sacred Harp '91

145b - Sweet Affliction, Angela Hollingsworth Benton
178 - Africa, Rodney Chandler
146 - Hallelujah, Mildred Chandler
452 - Martin, Floyd Bennett
503 - Lloyd, Deborah Jones
504 - Wood Street, Lucy Sandidge
218 - Mount Pleasant, Lee Rogers
542 - I'll Seek His Blessings, John Plunkett, in memory of Otis Hester, who passed away on the Tuesday after Christmas
84 - Amsterdam, Jack Chandler, Jr.
277 - Antioch, Ellie Soler
176b - Blooming Youth, Laura Akerman
28b - Wells, Winston Stephens
200 - Edom, Diane Eskenasy
49b - Mear, Jane Spencer
61 - Sweet Rivers, Terry Chandler
335 - Return Again, Andy Anderson
47t - Primrose, Billy Hollingsworth
86 - Poland, Mike Spencer
460 - Sardis, John Hollingsworth
39b - Sharpsburg, Billy Hollingsworth
354b - Happy Land
49t - Old Hundred

Grace, John Plunkett
Potluck Dinner

Selections "leader's choice" SH - Sacred Harp '91, CH - Christian Harmony, Deason-Parris

CH82t - Lady Touch Thy Harp Again
CH89 - Northfield, Mildred Chandler
CH303 - The Unclouded Day, Lee Rogers
SH148 - Jefferson, Deborah Jones
SH108b - The Traveler, Lucy Sandidge
SH127 - Green Fields, Floyd Bennett
CH339 - Samanthra, Jack Chandler, Jr.
CH136 - Sherburne, Diane Eskenasy
CH67b - Dundee, Winston Stephens
SH457 - Wayfaring Stranger, Chris Wilhelm
SH358 - Murillo's Lesson, Jane Spencer
SH47b - Idumea, Andy Anderson
SH59 - Holy Manna, Billy Hollingsworth
SH569b - Sacred Throne (by request)
SH568 - I Want to Go to Heaven, Karen Redwine
SH39b - Sharpsburg
SH384 - Panting for Heaven, Jack Chandler, Jr. (by request)
CH158 - The Land of Rest, John Hollingsworth
SH62 - Parting Hand

Closing Prayer - Jack Chandler, Sr.

There were 33 singers present, one of which was the honored son, Billy Hollingsworth, home on holiday from Cambridge, England.

Minutes recorded by Jane Spencer

2005 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
January 2005