7th Annual William Walker Memorial Singing

Wofford College
Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Saturday, April 1, 2000

The seventh session of the South Carolina State Convention in memory of William Walker was held at Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina on Saturday before the first Sunday in April. The class was called to order by Harry Eskew leading song on page 49t (SH), Old Hundred.
John Bullard led the class in the opening prayer.

Two important decisions concerning future sessions were made. The class voted to change the date of this singing to be held on Saturday before the second Sunday in April in order to avoid conflicts with other nearby singings. We also voted to limit ourselves in the future to two books, The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint) (songs tagged with `CHw'), and The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition (songs tagged with `SH').

40 (SH), Lenox - Brent Holcomb
49b (SH), Mear - Brent Holcomb
146 (SH), Hallelujah - Walter Hartley
35 (SH), Saints Bound for Heaven - Holly Corbett
45t (SH), New Britain - Holly Corbett
477 (SH), Lord, We Adore Thee - Harry Eskew
128 (SH), The Promised Land - Harry Eskew
128t (CHw), Ninety-Fifth - J. B. Parker
165 (CHw), (No song at that page no.) - J. B. Parker
208b (CHw), French Broad - John Plunkett.
116 (CHw), (No song at that page no.) - John Plunkett.


Brent Holcomb led song on page 441 (SH), Raymond to bring the class to order.
148 (SH), Jefferson - Chris Bero
67b (CHw), Dundee
55b (CHw), Idumea - Terry Chandler
127 (SH), Green Fields
159 (SH), Wondrous Love - Tom Cole.
299 (SH), New Jerusalem - Tom Cole.


Brent Holcomb brought the afternoon session to order leading song on page 238 (SH), (No song at that page no.), followed by Mildred Chandler leading songs on pages 89 (SH), The Church's Desolation.
136 (SH), Morality.

Dr. Harry Eskew led song on page 381B (CHw), Babylon is Fallen, as a memorial lesson for the deceased, and remembering the sick and shut-ins.

178 (SH), Africa - Joel Jones
105b (CHw), Resignation
117 (SH), Babylon is Fallen - Bill Burns
145 (SH), (No song at that page no.) - Teresa Caldwell
142 (SH), Stratfield - Teresa Caldwell
452 (SH), Martin - Walter Hartley
106 (SH), Ecstasy - Brent Holcomb
59 (SH), Holy Manna - Holly Corbett
131 (SH), (No song at that page no.) - J. B. Parker
81 (SH), (No song at that page no.) - Holly Corbett
503 (SH), Lloyd - John Plunkett
355 (SH), Anthem on the Savior - Mildred Chandler.
236 (SH), Easter Anthem - Mildred Chandler.

The class was dismissed.

Chairman—Brent Holcomb; Secretary—Bill Siefert.