3rd Annual William Walker Memorial Singing

Wofford College
Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Saturday, January 6, 1996

Dr. John Bullard called the class to order, welcomed everyone, and led the morning prayer. Nomination of officers were: Chairman—Dr. John Bullard; Vice Chairman—Willie Israel; Secretary—Charlene Wallace; Arranging Committee—Willie Israel.

There were three books used: The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition (songs tagged with `SH'), The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint (songs tagged with `SoH'), and The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint) (songs tagged with `CHw').

Leaders called were:
77t (SH), The Child of Grace - Brent Holcomb
101t (SH), Canaan's Land - Brent Holcomb
348t (SH), Ainslie - Richard Whatley
207 (SH), Louisiana - Richard Whatley
55b (CHw), Idumea - Terry Chandler
117 (CHw), Angel Band - Terry Chandler
128b (CHw), Hester - J. B. Parker
157 (CHw), Hallelujah - J. B. Parker
89b (CHw), Northfield - Mildred Chandler
355 (CHw), Homeward Bound - Mildred Chandler
339 (CHw), Samanthra - Willie Israel
214 (CHw), Hosanna - Willie Israel
103 (SoH), Holy Manna - Phil Perrin
252 (SoH), Wondrous Love - Phil Perrin
66 (SoH), Pleasant Hill - W. L. Green
288 (SoH), (No song at that page no.) - W. L. Green
171t (CHw), Sessions - Sharon Kellam
88 (SoH), Exultation
309 (CHw), (No song at that page no.) - Margie Dietz
88 (SoH), Exultation.
53 (SoH), (No song at that page no.).


Dr. Harry Eskew called the class together leading song on page 78 (SoH), The Babe of Bethlehem from the Southern Harmony. Dr. Eskew gave a brief history on William Walker. Leaders:
503 (SH), Lloyd - Frances Carnell
551 (SH), Jacob's Vision - Frances Carnell
38b (SH), Windham - LeAnne Carnell
547 (SH), Granville - LeAnne Carnell
40 (SH), Lenox - Chris Carnell
178 (SH), Africa - Chris Carnell
159 (CHw), (No song at that page no.) - Betty Moore.


The afternoon session resumed with Willie Israel leading song on page 269, (No song at that page no.) from the Christian Harmony.
109 (CHw), Shenley - J. B. Parker and Mildred Chandler and Terry Chandler and Jennifer Chandler
289 (CHw), (No song at that page no.) - J. B. Parker and Mildred Chandler and Terry Chandler and Jennifer Chandler
490 (SH), My Shepherd Guides - Henry Zittrouer
480 (SH), Redemption - Henry Zittrouer
106 (CHw), Sweet Rivers - Brent Holcomb
86 (SH), Poland - Debra Jones
481 (SH), Novakoski - Debra Jones
163 (SoH), New Topia - Willie Israel
204 (CHw), (No song at that page no.)
40t (SoH), Detroit - Phil Perrin
213 (SoH), David's Lamentation - Phil Perrin
266 (SoH), Hebrew Children - Sharon Kellam
38 (SoH), Resignation - Sharon Kellam
435 (SH), Sacred Rest - Richard Whatley
474 (SH), Mount Desert - Frances Carnell
250 (SoH), Dudley - Dr. Harry Eskew.
Announcements were made. Dr. Harry Eskew led 62 (SH), Parting Hand, as the closing song and dismissed with prayer.

Chairman—Dr. John Bullard; Vice Chairman—Willie Israel; Secretary—Charlene Wallace.